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Automated high-throughput viscosity and density sensor using nanomechanical resonators
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4620106
Author(s) Bircher, Benjamin A.; Krenger, Roger; Braun, Thomas
Author(s) at UniBasel Braun, Thomas
Year 2016
Title Automated high-throughput viscosity and density sensor using nanomechanical resonators
Journal Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical
Volume 223
Pages / Article-Number 784-790
Keywords TBLast
Abstract Most methods used to determine the viscosity and mass density of liquids have two major drawbacks: relatively high sample consumption (similar to milliliters) and long measurement time (minutes). Resonant nanomechanical cantilevers promise to overcome these limitations. Although sample consumption has already been significantly reduced, the time resolution was rarely addressed to date. We present a method to decrease the time and user interaction required for such measurements. It features (i) a droplet-generating automatic sampler using fluorinated oil to separate microliter sample plugs, (ii) a PDMS-based microfluidic measurement cell containing the resonant microcantilever sensors driven by photothermal excitation, (iii) dual phase-locked loop frequency tracking of a higher-mode resonance to achieve millisecond time resolution, and (iv) signal processing to extract the resonance parameters, namely the eigenfrequency and quality factor. The principle was validated by screening series of 3 pi, droplets of glycerol solutions separated by fluorinated oil at a rate of similar to 6 s per sample. An analytical hydrodynamic model (Van Eysden and Sader, 2007 [6]) and a reduced order model (Heinisch et al., 2014 [161) were employed to calculate the viscosity and mass density of the sample liquids in a viscosity range of 1-10.5 mPa s and a density range of 998-1154 kg m(-3).
Publisher Elsevier
ISSN/ISBN 0925-4005
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1016/j.snb.2015.09.084

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