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A meta-analysis and Systematic Review of the Risks Associated with Childhood Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder on Long-Term Outcome of Arrests, Convictions, and Incarcerations
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4618686
Author(s) Mohr-Jensen, Christina; Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph
Author(s) at UniBasel Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph
Year 2016
Title A meta-analysis and Systematic Review of the Risks Associated with Childhood Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder on Long-Term Outcome of Arrests, Convictions, and Incarcerations
Journal Clinical Psychology Review
Volume 48
Pages / Article-Number 32-42
Keywords ADHD; Crime; Longitudinal; Meta-analysis
Mesh terms Adolescent; Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity, psychology; Child; Child Abuse, psychology; Child, Preschool; Crime, psychology; Criminals, psychology; Humans; Risk; Sex Factors
Abstract The primary aim of this study was to systematically review and estimate the risk of arrests, convictions, and incarcerations associated with childhood Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in long-term outcome studies. In addition, all included studies were qualitatively and systematically reviewed for predictors of long-term crimes. The databases Pubmed, PsycINFO and Embase were searched for all controlled studies that included children and adolescents (age 4-15) with ADHD who had been followed longitudinally and reported the frequency of arrests, convictions or incarcerations based on data from official sources. Using random-effects models, the relative risk (RR) with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) was estimated. A total of 15,442 individuals with childhood ADHD from nine unique samples were included. Childhood ADHD was significantly associated with adolescent and adulthood arrests (RR: 2.2, 95% CI: 1.3-3.5), convictions (RR: 3.3, 95% CI: 2.1-5.2) and incarcerations (RR: 2.9, 95% CI: 1.9-4.3). Individuals with ADHD had a younger age at onset of antisocial involvement and an increased risk of criminal recidivism. The most frequently committed criminal offenses were theft, assault, drug- and weapon-related crimes. Early antisocial behavior problems, childhood maltreatment, sex, and IQ were identified as potentially relevant predictors for antisocial outcomes. The findings support a substantial long-term risk associated with ADHD for later antisocial involvement. Early intensive and specifically targeted multimodal intervention including psychosocial, and pharmacological treatment is warranted to alter these negative long-term developmental trajectories.
Publisher Elsevier
ISSN/ISBN 0272-7358
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1016/j.cpr.2016.05.002
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000382713200003
Document type (ISI) Review

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