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Bryophyllum pinnatum compounds inhibit oxytocin-induced signalling pathways in human myometrial cells
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4617287
Author(s) Santos, Stefanie; Zurfluh, Leonie; Mennet, Mónica; Potterat, Olivier; von Mandach, Ursula; Hamburger, Matthias; Simões-Wüst, Ana Paula
Author(s) at UniBasel Hamburger, Matthias
Potterat, Olivier
Year 2021
Title Bryophyllum pinnatum compounds inhibit oxytocin-induced signalling pathways in human myometrial cells
Journal Frontiers in Pharmacology
Volume 12
Pages / Article-Number 632986
Abstract Bryophyllum pinnatum has been used in the treatment of premature labor, first in anthroposophic hospitals and, recently, in conventional settings as an add-on medication. In vitro work with hTERT human myometrial cells showed that B. pinnatum leaf press juice inhibits the increase of intracellular free calcium concentration induced by oxytocin, a hormone known to play a role in labor. Our aim was to identify fractions/compounds in B. pinnatum press juice that contribute to this inhibitory effect, and to investigate their effect on oxytocin-driven activation of the MAPK cascade. Several fractions/compounds from B. pinnatum press juice led to a concentration-dependent decrease of oxytocin-induced increase of intracellular free calcium concentration, but none of them was as strong as B. pinnatum press juice. However, the combination of a bufadienolide and a flavonoid-enriched fraction was as effective as B. pinnatum press juice, and their combination had a synergistic effect. B. pinnatum press juice inhibited oxytocin-driven activation of MAPKs SAPK/JNK and ERK1/2, an effect also exerted by the bufadienolide-enriched fraction. The effect of B. pinnatum press juice on oxytocin-induced signaling pathways was comparable to that of the oxytocin-receptor antagonist and tocolytic agent atosiban. Our findings further substantiate the use of B. pinnatum press juice preparations in the treatment of preterm labor.
Publisher Frontiers Media
ISSN/ISBN 1663-9812
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.3389/fphar.2021.632986
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000625143000001
Document type (ISI) Article

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