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A Stakeholder Perspective on the Market Orientation of Swiss Nonprofit Organizations
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4610955
Author(s) Hersberger-Langloh, Sophie E.
Author(s) at UniBasel Hersberger, Sophie
Year 2020
Title A Stakeholder Perspective on the Market Orientation of Swiss Nonprofit Organizations
Journal Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing
Pages / Article-Number 1-26
Keywords Market orientation, stakeholder perspective, nonprofit marketing, nonprofit organizations, organizational performance, marketization
Abstract The adoption of business-like practices by nonprofit organizations (NPOs) has often been associated with focusing too much on markets, rather than mission. Yet, the concept of market orientation does not view profits as the goal, but rather as a consequence. This makes it highly relevant for NPOs. We argue that identifying, monitoring, and managing the relevant stakeholder groups through a market-orientation approach can enhance both the economic and social performance of NPOs. We do so by developing a preliminary scale of stakeholder-based market orientation based on survey data from Swiss NPOs and show that components of such a scale need to include stakeholder groups other than those found in the business literature. The effect of these components on organizational growth and mission achievement are examined using a structural equation model. The results suggest that adopting a stakeholder-based market orientation concept can have positive effects on organizational growth and mission achievement.
Publisher Taylor & Francis
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1080/10495142.2020.1865239
Document type (ISI) ArticleEarly Access

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