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Global brain volume and N-acetyl-aspartate decline over seven decades of normal aging
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4610357
Author(s) Kirov, Ivan I.; Sollberger, Marc; Davitz, Matthew S.; Glodzik, Lidia; Soher, Brian J.; Babb, James S.; Monsch, Andreas U.; Gass, Achim; Gonen, Oded
Author(s) at UniBasel Monsch, Andreas U.
Year 2020
Title Global brain volume and N-acetyl-aspartate decline over seven decades of normal aging
Journal Neurobiology of Aging
Volume 98
Pages / Article-Number 42-51
Keywords Aging; Atrophy; Brain; MR imaging; MR spectroscopy; N-Acetyl-aspartate
Abstract We characterize the whole-brain N-acetyl-aspartate (WBNAA) and brain tissue fractions across the adult lifespan and test the hypothesis that, despite age-related atrophy, neuronal integrity (reflected by WBNAA) is preserved in normal aging. Two-hundred-and-seven participants: 133 cognitively intact older adults (73.6 ± 7.4 mean ± standard deviation, range: 60-90 year old) and 84 young (37.9 ± 11, range: 21-59 year old) were scanned with proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy and T; 1; -weighted MRI. Their WBNAA, fractional brain parenchyma, and gray and white matter volumes (fBPV, fGM, and fWM) were compared and modeled as functions of age and sex. Compared with young, older-adults' WBNAA was lower by ~35%, and fBPV, fGM and fWM were lower by ~10%. Linear regressions found 0.5%/year WBNAA and 0.2%/year fBPV and fGM declines, whereas fWM rose to age ~40 years, and declined thereafter. fBPV and fGM were 1.8% and 4% higher in women, with no sex decline rates difference. We conclude that contrary to our hypothesis, atrophy was accompanied by WBNAA decline. Across the entire age range, women's brains showed less atrophy than men's. Formulas to estimate WBNAA and brain tissue fractions in healthy adults are provided to help differentiate normal from abnormal aging. What do you want to do ? New mail Copy
Publisher Elsevier
ISSN/ISBN 0197-4580 ; 1558-1497
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2020.10.024
PubMed ID
ISI-Number MEDLINE:33232854
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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