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Dynamics in protein translation sustaining T cell preparedness
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4607786
Author(s) Wolf, Tobias; Jin, Wenjie; Zoppi, Giada; Vogel, Ian A.; Akhmedov, Murodzhon; Bleck, Christopher K. E.; Beltraminelli, Tim; Rieckmann, Jan C.; Ramirez, Neftali J.; Benevento, Marco; Notarbartolo, Samuele; Bumann, Dirk; Meissner, Felix; Grimbacher, Bodo; Mann, Matthias; Lanzavecchia, Antonio; Sallusto, Federica; Kwee, Ivo; Geiger, Roger
Author(s) at UniBasel Bumann, Dirk
Year 2020
Title Dynamics in protein translation sustaining T cell preparedness
Journal Nature immunology
Volume 21
Number 8
Pages / Article-Number 927-937
Mesh terms Humans; Lymphocyte Activation, physiology; Protein Biosynthesis, immunology; RNA, Messenger, immunology, metabolism; T-Lymphocytes, immunology; Transcription Factors, immunology, metabolism
Abstract In response to pathogenic threats, naive T cells rapidly transition from a quiescent to an activated state, yet the underlying mechanisms are incompletely understood. Using a pulsed SILAC approach, we investigated the dynamics of mRNA translation kinetics and protein turnover in human naive and activated T cells. Our datasets uncovered that transcription factors maintaining T cell quiescence had constitutively high turnover, which facilitated their depletion following activation. Furthermore, naive T cells maintained a surprisingly large number of idling ribosomes as well as 242 repressed mRNA species and a reservoir of glycolytic enzymes. These components were rapidly engaged following stimulation, promoting an immediate translational and glycolytic switch to ramp up the T cell activation program. Our data elucidate new insights into how T cells maintain a prepared state to mount a rapid immune response, and provide a resource of protein turnover, absolute translation kinetics and protein synthesis rates in T cells ( ).
Publisher Nature Research
ISSN/ISBN 1529-2908 ; 1529-2916
Full Text on edoc Restricted
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1038/s41590-020-0714-5
PubMed ID
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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