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Emergence of Neuronal Diversity during Vertebrate Brain Development
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4605925
Author(s) Raj, Bushra; Farrell, Jeffrey A.; Liu, Jialin; El Kholtei, Jakob; Carte, Adam N.; Navajas Acedo, Joaquin; Du, Lucia Y.; McKenna, Aaron; Relić, Đorđe; Leslie, Jessica M.; Schier, Alexander F.
Author(s) at UniBasel Schier, Alexander
Liu, Jialin
El Kholtei, Jakob
Carte, Adam
Navajas Acedo, Joaquin
Du, Lucia
Relic, Dorde
Year 2020
Title Emergence of Neuronal Diversity during Vertebrate Brain Development
Journal Neuron
Volume 108
Number 6
Pages / Article-Number 1058-1074.e6
Keywords CRISPR-Cas9 barcoding; brain; cell specification; lineage; neurogenesis; progenitor; retina; scRNA-Seq; transcriptional cascade; zebrafish
Mesh terms Animals; Brain, growth & development; Cell Differentiation, physiology; Cell Lineage, physiology; Gene Expression Regulation, Developmental; Neurogenesis, physiology; Neurons, cytology; Zebrafish, genetics
Abstract Neurogenesis comprises many highly regulated processes including proliferation, differentiation, and maturation. However, the transcriptional landscapes underlying brain development are poorly characterized. We describe a developmental single-cell catalog of ∼220,000 zebrafish brain cells encompassing 12 stages from embryo to larva. We characterize known and novel gene markers for ∼800 clusters and provide an overview of the diversification of neurons and progenitors across these time points. We also introduce an optimized GESTALT lineage recorder that enables higher expression and recovery of Cas9-edited barcodes to query lineage segregation. Cell type characterization indicates that most embryonic neural progenitor states are transitory and transcriptionally distinct from neural progenitors of post-embryonic stages. Reconstruction of cell specification trajectories reveals that late-stage retinal neural progenitors transcriptionally overlap cell states observed in the embryo. The zebrafish brain development atlas provides a resource to define and manipulate specific subsets of neurons and to uncover the molecular mechanisms underlying vertebrate neurogenesis.
Publisher Elsevier
ISSN/ISBN 0896-6273 ; 1097-4199
Full Text on edoc Available
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1016/j.neuron.2020.09.023
PubMed ID
ISI-Number 000603423200006
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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