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Tracking the invisible: Learning where the object might be
ConferencePaper (Artikel, die in Tagungsbänden erschienen sind)
ID 4605200
Author(s) Grabner, Helmut; Matas, Jiri; Van Gool, Luc; Cattin, Philippe
Author(s) at UniBasel Cattin, Philippe Claude
Year 2010
Title Tracking the invisible: Learning where the object might be
Book title (Conference Proceedings) IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Place of Conference San Francisco, CA, USA
Publisher IEEE
Pages 1285-1292
Abstract Objects are usually embedded into context. Visual context has been successfully used in object detection tasks, however, it is often ignored in object tracking. We propose a method to learn supporters which are, be it only temporally, useful for determining the position of the object of interest. Our approach exploits the General Hough Transform strategy. It couples the supporters with the target and naturally distinguishes between strongly and weakly coupled motions. By this, the position of an object can be estimated even when it is not seen directly (e.g., fully occluded or outside of the image region) or when it changes its appearance quickly and significantly. Experiments show substantial improvements in model-free tracking as well as in the tracking of "virtual" points, e.g., in medical applications.
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1109/CVPR.2010.5539819

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