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Polypharmacy, Drug-Drug Interactions, and Inappropriate Drugs: New Challenges in the Aging Population With HIV
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4604843
Author(s) Courlet, Perrine; Livio, Françoise; Guidi, Monia; Cavassini, Matthias; Battegay, Manuel; Stoeckle, Marcel; Buclin, Thierry; Alves Saldanha, Susana; Csajka, Chantal; Marzolini, Catia; Decosterd, Laurent; Swiss HIV Cohort Study,
Author(s) at UniBasel Marzolini, Catia
Year 2019
Title Polypharmacy, Drug-Drug Interactions, and Inappropriate Drugs: New Challenges in the Aging Population With HIV
Journal Open Forum Infectious Diseases
Volume 6
Number 12
Pages / Article-Number ofz531
Keywords HIV; aging; drug–drug interactions; elderly; inappropriate drugs; polypharmacy
Abstract Antiretroviral therapy has transformed HIV infection from a deadly into a chronic condition. Aging people with HIV (PWH) are at higher risk of polypharmacy, potential drug-drug interactions (DDIs), and potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs). This study aims to compare prescribed drugs, polypharmacy, and potential DDIs between young (<65 years old) and elderly (≥65 years old) PWH. The prevalence of PIMs was assessed in elderly.; PWH from 2 centers within the Swiss HIV Cohort Study were asked to fill in a form with all their current medications. Polypharmacy was defined as being on ≥5 non-HIV drugs. PIMs were evaluated using Beers criteria. Potential DDIs for the most prescribed therapeutic classes were screened with the Liverpool interaction database.; Among the 996 PWH included, 122 were ≥65 years old. Polypharmacy was more frequent in the elderly group (44% vs 12%). Medications and potential DDIs differed according to the age group: cardiovascular drugs and related potential DDIs were more common in the elderly group (73% of forms included ≥1 cardiovascular drug; 11% of cardiovascular drugs involved potential DDIs), whereas central nervous system drugs were more prescribed and involved in potential DDIs in younger PWH (26%, 11%). Potential DDIs were mostly managed through dosage adjustments. PIMs were found in 31% of the elderly group.; Potential DDIs remain common, and PIMs constitute an additional burden for the elderly. It is important that prescribers develop and maintain a proactive approach for the recognition and management of DDIs and other prescribing issues frequently encountered in geriatric medicine.
Publisher Oxford University Press
ISSN/ISBN 2328-8957
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1093/ofid/ofz531
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000510170600052
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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