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The association between ambient NO2 and PM2.5 with the respiratory health of school children residing in informal settlements: a prospective cohort study
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4597475
Author(s) Olaniyan, Toyib; Jeebhay, Mohamed; Röösli, Martin; Naidoo, Rajen N.; Künzli, Nino; de Hoogh, Kees; Saucy, Apolline; Badpa, Mahnaz; Baatjies, Roslynn; Parker, Bhawoodien; Leaner, Joy; Dalvie, Mohamed Aqiel
Author(s) at UniBasel Röösli, Martin
Künzli, Nino
de Hoogh, Kees
Saucy, Apolline
Badpa, Mahnaz
Year 2020
Title The association between ambient NO2 and PM2.5 with the respiratory health of school children residing in informal settlements: a prospective cohort study
Journal Environmental research
Volume 186
Pages / Article-Number 109606
Keywords Ambient air pollution; Childhood asthma; Land-use regression; Lung function; Under-researched community
Abstract No previous epidemiological study has investigated the combined association of long-term ambient nitrogen dioxide (NO; 2; ) and particulate matter of diameter size-2.5 (PM; 2.5; ) exposure with asthma outcomes among schoolchildren in Africa.; This study investigated the independent and co-pollutant association of long-term exposures to ambient air pollutants on asthma-associated outcomes in a cohort of schoolchildren in the Western Cape Province of South Africa.; A total of 590 grade-4 schoolchildren residing in four informal settlements were studied. Spirometry and fractional exhaled nitric-oxide (FeNO) measurements were conducted, including a standardized questionnaire administered to caregivers at baseline and 12-months follow-up. Annual NO; 2; and PM; 2.5; levels were estimated for each child's home using land-use regression modelling. Single- and two-pollutant models were constructed to assess the independent and co-pollutant association of both air pollutants (NO; 2; and PM; 2.5; ) on new cases of asthma-associated outcomes adjusting-for host characteristics, indoor exposures and study area.; The annual average concentration of PM; 2.5; and NO; 2; were 10.01μg/m; 3; and 16.62μg/m; 3; respectively, across the four study areas, and were below the local Standards of 20μg/m; 3; and 40μg/m; 3; , for both pollutants, respectively. In the two-pollutant-adjusted models, an interquartile range (IQR) increase of 14.2μg/m; 3; in NO; 2; was associated with an increased risk of new onset of ocular-nasal symptoms (adjusted odds ratio-aOR: 1.63, 95% CI: 1.01-2.60), wheezing (aOR: 3.57, 95% CI: 1.18-10.92), more than two or more asthma symptom score (aOR: 1.71, 95% CI: 1.02-2.86), and airway inflammation defined as FeNO > 35 ppb (aOR: 3.10, 95% CI: 1.10-8.71), independent of PM; 2.5; exposures.; This study provided evidence that ambient NO; 2; levels below local standards and international guidelines, independent of PM; 2.5; exposure, increases new cases of asthma-associated outcomes after 12-months.
Publisher Elsevier
ISSN/ISBN 0013-9351
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1016/j.envres.2020.109606
PubMed ID

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