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The human CIB1-EVER1-EVER2 complex governs keratinocyte-intrinsic immunity to β-papillomaviruses
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4596925
Author(s) de Jong, Sarah Jill; Créquer, Amandine; Matos, Irina; Hum, David; Gunasekharan, Vignesh; Lorenzo, Lazaro; Jabot-Hanin, Fabienne; Imahorn, Elias; Arias, Andres A.; Vahidnezhad, Hassan; Youssefian, Leila; Markle, Janet G.; Patin, Etienne; D'Amico, Aurelia; Wang, Claire Q. F.; Full, Florian; Ensser, Armin; Leisner, Tina M.; Parise, Leslie V.; Bouaziz, Matthieu; Maya, Nataly Portilla; Cadena, Xavier Rueda; Saka, Bayaki; Saeidian, Amir Hossein; Aghazadeh, Nessa; Zeinali, Sirous; Itin, Peter; Krueger, James G.; Laimins, Lou; Abel, Laurent; Fuchs, Elaine; Uitto, Jouni; Franco, Jose Luis; Burger, Bettina; Orth, Gérard; Jouanguy, Emmanuelle; Casanova, Jean-Laurent
Author(s) at UniBasel Burger, Bettina
Year 2018
Title The human CIB1-EVER1-EVER2 complex governs keratinocyte-intrinsic immunity to β-papillomaviruses
Journal Journal of experimental medicine
Volume 215
Number 9
Pages / Article-Number 2289-2310
Mesh terms Adult; Aged; Aged, 80 and over; Betapapillomavirus, immunology; Calcium-Binding Proteins, immunology; Cell Adhesion, immunology; Cell Movement, immunology; Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis, immunology, pathology; Female; Human papillomavirus 16, immunology; Humans; Immunity, Innate; Keratinocytes, immunology, pathology; Male; Membrane Proteins, immunology; Middle Aged; Multiprotein Complexes, immunology; Oncogene Proteins, Viral, immunology
Abstract Patients with epidermodysplasia verruciformis (EV) and biallelic null mutations of; TMC6; (encoding EVER1) or; TMC8; (EVER2) are selectively prone to disseminated skin lesions due to keratinocyte-tropic human β-papillomaviruses (β-HPVs), which lack E5 and E8. We describe EV patients homozygous for null mutations of the; CIB1; gene encoding calcium- and integrin-binding protein-1 (CIB1). CIB1 is strongly expressed in the skin and cultured keratinocytes of controls but not in those of patients. CIB1 forms a complex with EVER1 and EVER2, and CIB1 proteins are not expressed in EVER1- or EVER2-deficient cells. The known functions of EVER1 and EVER2 in human keratinocytes are not dependent on CIB1, and CIB1 deficiency does not impair keratinocyte adhesion or migration. In keratinocytes, the CIB1 protein interacts with the HPV E5 and E8 proteins encoded by α-HPV16 and γ-HPV4, respectively, suggesting that this protein acts as a restriction factor against HPVs. Collectively, these findings suggest that the disruption of CIB1-EVER1-EVER2-dependent keratinocyte-intrinsic immunity underlies the selective susceptibility to β-HPVs of EV patients.
Publisher Rockefeller University Press
ISSN/ISBN 0022-1007 ; 1540-9538
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1084/jem.20170308
PubMed ID

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