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Organelle-specific targeting of polymersomes into the cell nucleus
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4528835
Author(s) Zelmer, Christina; Zweifel, Ludovit P.; Kapinos, Larisa E.; Craciun, Ioana; Güven, Zekiye P.; Palivan, Cornelia G.; Lim, Roderick Y. H.
Author(s) at UniBasel Palivan, Cornelia
Craciun, Ioana
Zelmer, Christina
Zweifel, Ludovit
Lim, Roderick
Year 2020
Title Organelle-specific targeting of polymersomes into the cell nucleus
Journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Volume 117
Number 6
Pages / Article-Number 2770-2778
Keywords drug delivery; nanocarrier; nuclear pore complex; nucleocytoplasmic transport; polymersome
Mesh terms Active Transport, Cell Nucleus; Biocompatible Materials, metabolism; Cell Nucleus, metabolism; Drug Delivery Systems; Guanosine Triphosphate, metabolism; HeLa Cells; Humans; Karyopherins; Nanoparticles, metabolism; Nuclear Localization Signals, metabolism; Nuclear Pore, metabolism; Polymers, metabolism
Abstract Synthetic nanomaterials are being sought to shuttle therapeutic payloads directly into the cell nucleus as a major target for chemo- and gene-based therapies. However, it remains uncertain whether and how synthetic entities are able to bypass the nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) that regulate transport into and out of the nucleus. We have constructed biocompatible polymer vesicles that infiltrate NPCs and resolved their nuclear uptake mechanism in vitro and in vivo. Their ability to deliver payloads directly into cell nuclei is further validated by transmission electron microscopy.Organelle-specific nanocarriers (NCs) are highly sought after for delivering therapeutic agents into the cell nucleus. This necessitates nucleocytoplasmic transport (NCT) to bypass nuclear pore complexes (NPCs). However, little is known as to how comparably large NCs infiltrate this vital intracellular barrier to enter the nuclear interior. Here, we developed nuclear localization signal (NLS)-conjugated polymersome nanocarriers (NLS-NCs) and studied the NCT mechanism underlying their selective nuclear uptake. Detailed chemical, biophysical, and cellular analyses show that karyopherin receptors are required to authenticate, bind, and escort NLS-NCs through NPCs while Ran guanosine triphosphate (RanGTP) promotes their release from NPCs into the nuclear interior. Ultrastructural analysis by regressive staining transmission electron microscopy further resolves the NLS-NCs on transit in NPCs and inside the nucleus. By elucidating their ability to utilize NCT, these findings demonstrate the efficacy of polymersomes to deliver encapsulated payloads directly into cell nuclei.
Publisher National Academy of Sciences
ISSN/ISBN 0027-8424 ; 1091-6490
Full Text on edoc Available
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1073/pnas.1916395117
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000513898000014
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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