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Initialization of Single Spin Dressed States using Shortcuts to Adiabaticity
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4528762
Author(s) Kolbl, J.; Barfuss, A.; Kasperczyk, M. S.; Thiel, L.; Clerk, A. A.; Ribeiro, H.; Maletinsky, P.
Author(s) at UniBasel Maletinsky, Patrick
Year 2019
Title Initialization of Single Spin Dressed States using Shortcuts to Adiabaticity
Journal physical review letters
Volume 122
Number 9
Pages / Article-Number 090502
Abstract We demonstrate the use of shortcuts to adiabaticity protocols for initialization, read-out, and coherent control of dressed states generated by closed-contour, coherent driving of a single spin. Such dressed states have recently been shown to exhibit efficient coherence protection, beyond what their two-level counterparts can offer. Our state transfer protocols yield a transfer fidelity of similar to 99.4(2)% while accelerating the transfer speed by a factor of 2.6 compared to the adiabatic approach. We show bidirectionality of the accelerated state transfer, which we employ for direct dressed state population read-out after coherent manipulation in the dressed state manifold. Our results enable direct and efficient access to coherence-protected dressed states of individual spins and thereby offer attractive avenues for applications in quantum information processing or quantum sensing.
ISSN/ISBN 0031-9007
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.090502
PubMed ID
ISI-Number 000460669200002
Document type (ISI) Journal Article
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