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Precise Timing of Transcription by c-di-GMP Coordinates Cell Cycle and Morphogenesis in Caulobacter
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4525387
Author(s) Kaczmarczyk, Andreas; Hempel, Antje M.; von Arx, Christoph; Böhm, Raphael; Dubey, Badri N.; Nesper, Jutta; Schirmer, Tilman; Hiller, Sebastian; Jenal, Urs
Author(s) at UniBasel Schirmer, Tilman
Kaczmarczyk, Andreas
Hempel, Antje Marie
von Arx, Christoph
Böhm, Raphael
Dubey, Badri Nath
Nesper, Jutta
Jenal, Urs
Hiller, Sebastian
Year 2020
Title Precise Timing of Transcription by c-di-GMP Coordinates Cell Cycle and Morphogenesis in Caulobacter
Journal Nature Communications
Volume 11
Number 1
Pages / Article-Number 816
Mesh terms Bacterial Proteins, metabolism; Caulobacter crescentus, metabolism; Cell Cycle, genetics; Cyclic GMP, metabolism; Gene Expression Regulation, Bacterial; Histidine Kinase, metabolism; Morphogenesis, genetics; Phosphorylation; Protein Binding; Protein Domains; Proteolysis; Signal Transduction; Trans-Activators, metabolism
Abstract Bacteria adapt their growth rate to their metabolic status and environmental conditions by modulating the length of their G1 period. Here we demonstrate that a gradual increase in the concentration of the second messenger c-di-GMP determines precise gene expression during G1/S transition in Caulobacter crescentus . We show that c-di-GMP stimulates the kinase ShkA by binding to its central pseudo-receiver domain, activates the TacA transcription factor, and initiates a G1/S-specific transcription program leading to cell morphogenesis and S-phase entry. Activation of the ShkA-dependent genetic program causes c-di-GMP to reach peak levels, which triggers S-phase entry and promotes proteolysis of ShkA and TacA. Thus, a gradual increase of c-di-GMP results in precise control of ShkA-TacA activity, enabling G1/S-specific gene expression that coordinates cell cycle and morphogenesis.
Publisher Nature Research
ISSN/ISBN 2041-1723
Full Text on edoc Available
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1038/s41467-020-14585-6
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000514356400012
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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