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A dynamical model for invasive round goby populations reveals efficient and effective management options
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4524407
Author(s) N'Guyen, Anouk; Hirsch, Philipp E.; Bozzuto, Claudio; Adrian-Kalchhauser, Irene; Hôrková, Kristína; Burkhardt-Holm, Patricia
Author(s) at UniBasel Holm, Patricia
Adrian-Kalchhauser, Irene
Year 2018
Title A dynamical model for invasive round goby populations reveals efficient and effective management options
Journal Journal of Applied Ecology
Volume 55
Number 1
Pages / Article-Number 342-352
Keywords control; decision maker; dispersal; eradication; harvesting; matrix population model; Neogobius melanostomus; sensitivity analysis; stakeholder; transdisciplinary
Mesh terms Science & TechnologyLife Sciences & BiomedicineBiodiversity ConservationEcologyBiodiversity & ConservationEnvironmental Sciences & Ecology
Abstract 1. When prevention of invasive species' introductions fails, society faces the challenge to manage invasive species in an effective and efficient way. The success of this depends on biological aspects and on cooperation between decision makers and scientists. Using the case of the round goby Neogobius melanostomus, one of Europe's "worst invasive species", we propose an approach guiding scientists to co-produce effective and efficient population control measures in collaboration with decision makers.2. We surveyed the effectiveness, urgency and simplicity perceived by decision makers as well as the support of two population control options: removal of eggs and/or adults. Using a field study and a dynamical population model, we investigated the effectiveness and efficiency for both options in different population contexts.3. Decision makers initially seemed to lack a clear preference for either control option. After being presented with preliminary field and modelling results, decision makers mostly approved measures being developed to implement the two control options.4. Starting population control early after detecting the species requires in total fewer years for eradication than controlling an established population: to reach an eradication success rate of 95%, 13 years for early start vs. 18 years for late start are needed when removing eggs and adults; when removing adults only, 20 vs. 29 years are needed. Removing eggs and adults combined results in a yearly effort of 5.01 h/m(2), while removing adults only results in a yearly effort of 1.76 h/m(2). Thus, removing adults only proves to be the most efficient option to eradicate the population. Nonetheless, considerable effort is needed: when removing less than 57% of the adult population, eradication is not feasible, even assuming low survival and fecundity rates for the population. Furthermore, inflow of new propagules renders eradication efforts ineffective.5. Synthesis and applications. Scientists who aim to support decision makers in finding an optimal control strategy for invasive species need to be able to provide scientific knowledge on effectiveness and efficiency of different options. For round goby and most non-native species, eradication is only feasible if started early in recently arrived populations and if inflow of new propagules can be prevented.
Publisher Wiley
ISSN/ISBN 0021-8901 ; 1365-2664
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1111/1365-2664.12934
ISI-Number 000417764600034
Document type (ISI) Article

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