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Bell correlation depth in many-body systems
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4523894
Author(s) Baccari, F.; Tura, J.; Fadel, M.; Aloy, A.; Bancal, J.-D.; Sangouard, N.; Lewenstein, M.; Acin, A.; Augusiak, R.
Author(s) at UniBasel Fadel, Matteo
Bancal, Jean-Daniel
Sangouard, Nicolas
Year 2019
Title Bell correlation depth in many-body systems
Journal Physical Review A
Volume 100
Number 2
Pages / Article-Number 022121
Abstract We address the question of assessing the number of particles sharing genuinely nonlocal correlations in a multipartite system. While the interest in multipartite nonlocality has grown in recent years, its existence in large quantum systems is difficult to confirm experimentally. This is mostly due to the inadequacy of standard multipartite Bell inequalities to many-body systems: Such inequalities usually rely on expectation values involving many parties, usually all, and require individual addressing of each party. In addition, known Bell inequalities for genuine nonlocality are composed of a number of expectation values that scales exponentially with the number of observers, which makes such inequalities impractical from the experimental point of view. In a recent work [Tura et al., Science 344, 1256 (2014)], it was shown that it is possible to detect nonlocality in multipartite systems using Bell inequalities with only two-body correlators. This opened the way for the detection of Bell correlations with trusted collective measurements through Bell correlation witnesses [Schmied et al., Science 352, 441 (2016)]. These witnesses were recently tested experimentally in many-body systems such as Bose-Einstein condensate or thermal ensembles, hence demonstrating the presence of Bell correlations with assumptions on the statistics. Here, we address the problem of detecting nonlocality depth, a notion that quantifies the number of particles sharing nonlocal correlation in a multipartite system. We introduce a general framework allowing us to derive Bell-like inequalities for nonlocality depth from symmetric two-body correlators. We characterize all such Bell-like inequalities for a finite number of parties and we show that they reveal Bell correlation depth k <= 6 in arbitrarily large systems. We then show how Bell correlation depth can be estimated using quantities that are within reach in current experiments. On one hand, we use the standard multipartite Bell inequalities such the Mermin and Svetlichny ones to derive Bell correlations witnesses of any depth that involves only two collective measurements, one of which being the parity measurement. On the other hand, we show that our two-body Bell inequalities can be turned into witnesses of depth k <= 6 that require measuring total spin components in certain directions. Interestingly, such a witness is violated by existing data from an ensemble of 480 atoms.
Publisher American Physical Society
ISSN/ISBN 2469-9926 ; 2469-9934
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1103/PhysRevA.100.022121
ISI-Number 000482209700001
Document type (ISI) Article

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