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Coherent Optical Control of a Quantum-Dot Spin-Qubit in a Waveguide-Based Spin-Photon Interface
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4517403
Author(s) Ding, Dapeng; Appel, Martin Hayhurst; Javadi, Alisa; Zhou, Xiaoyan; Lobl, Matthias Christian; Sollner, Immo; Schott, Ruediger; Papon, Camille; Pregnolato, Tommaso; Midolo, Leonardo; Wieck, Andreas Dirk; Ludwig, Arne; Warburton, Richard John; Schroder, Tim; Lodahl, Peter
Author(s) at UniBasel Warburton, Richard
Javadi, Alisa
Löbl, Matthias
Söllner, Immo
Year 2019
Title Coherent Optical Control of a Quantum-Dot Spin-Qubit in a Waveguide-Based Spin-Photon Interface
Journal Physical review applied
Volume 11
Number 3
Pages / Article-Number 031002
Abstract Waveguide-based spin-photon interfaces on the GaAs platform have emerged as a promising system for a variety of quantum information applications directly integrated into planar photonic circuits. The coherent control of spin states in a quantum dot can be achieved by applying circularly polarized laser pulses that may be coupled into the planar waveguide vertically through radiation modes. However, proper control of the laser polarization is challenging since the polarization is modified through the transformation from the far field to the exact position of the quantum dot in the nanostructure. Here, we demonstrate polarization-controlled excitation of a quantum-dot electron spin and use that to perform coherent control in a Ramsey interferometry experiment. The Ramsey interference reveals an inhomogeneous dephasing time of 2.2 +/- 0.1 ns, which is comparable to the values so far only obtained in bulk media. We analyze the experimental limitations in spin initialization fidelity and Ramsey contrast and identify the underlying mechanisms.
Publisher American Physical Society
ISSN/ISBN 2331-7019
Full Text on edoc Restricted
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.11.031002
ISI-Number 000461074000001
Document type (ISI) Article

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