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Schlaf und Befindlichkeit bei Kindern und Jugendlichen – ein narratives Review
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4509722
Author(s) Brand, Serge; Lemola, Sakari; Mikoteit, Thorsten; Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith; Kalak, Nadeem; Bahmani, Dena Sadeghi; Pühse, Uwe; Ludyga, Sebastian; Gerber, Markus
Author(s) at UniBasel Brand, Serge
Pühse, Uwe
Gerber, Markus
Ludyga, Sebastian
Year 2019
Title Schlaf und Befindlichkeit bei Kindern und Jugendlichen – ein narratives Review
Journal Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie
Volume 68
Number 2
Pages / Article-Number 128-145
Keywords Eltern; Familienklima; Peers; family functioning; körperliche Aktivität; parents; peers; physical activity; screen time
Mesh terms Adaptation, Psychological; Adolescent; Anxiety, psychology; Child; Exercise; Humans; Infant, Extremely Premature, psychology; Mothers, psychology; Screen Time; Sleep, physiology; Sleepiness
Abstract Sleep and Psychological Functioning of Children and Adolescents - a Narrative Review Children and adolescents need sufficient and restoring sleep to improve their cognitive, emotional, social and behavioral performance. The present narrative review describes the associations between children's and adolescents' sleep patterns and a broad variety of topics; these topics were chosen at the authors' discretion and does not claim to be exhaustive. After a short introduction, we describe the associations between (adolescent) children's sleep in tight relation to the family functioning. Specifically, (adolescent) children's sleep and psychological functioning appears to be related to mothers' sleep and psychological functioning. Findings from longitudinal studies are reported, which underline that poor sleep at childhood increases the risk of poor sleep and somatic and psychological health issues later in life. Excessive screen time in the evening increases the risk of shorter sleep duration and increased daytime sleepiness; on the flip side, it also appears the excessive screen time might be a coping strategy to deal with symptoms of anxiety; further, using social media in the evening seems to be associated with the adolescents' need to stay in touch with their peers. While physical inactivity and sedentary behavior is a serious health concern, in children and adolescents, regular physical activity is associated with improved subjective and objective sleep and a broad variety of psychological health outcomes. Further selective topics are: While children and adolescents with repaired cleft did not show disadvantages in their sleep and psychological functioning compared to their counterparts without clefts, at the age of seven to nine years, very preterm children show unfavorable sleep patterns and psychological functioning, compared to typically developing children.
Publisher Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht
ISSN/ISBN 0032-7034 ; 2196-8225
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.13109/prkk.2019.68.2.128
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000464260200004
Document type (ISI) Review
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