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Predictive factors for exacerbation and re-exacerbation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: an extension of the Cox model to analyze data from the Swiss COPD cohort
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4507714
Author(s) Urwyler, Pascal; Abu Hussein, Nebal; Bridevaux, Pierre O.; Chhajed, Prashant N.; Geiser, Thomas; Grendelmeier, Peter; Joos Zellweger, Ladina; Kohler, Malcolm; Maier, Sabrina; Miedinger, David; Tamm, Michael; Thurnheer, Robert; Dieterle, Thomas; Leuppi, Joerg D.
Author(s) at UniBasel Dieterle, Thomas
Year 2019
Title Predictive factors for exacerbation and re-exacerbation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: an extension of the Cox model to analyze data from the Swiss COPD cohort
Journal Multidisciplinary respiratory medicine
Volume 14
Number 7
Pages / Article-Number 7
Abstract The Swiss COPD cohort was established in 2006 to collect data in a primary care setting. The objective of this study was to evaluate possible predictive factors for exacerbation and re-exacerbation.; In order to predict exacerbation until the next visit based on the knowledge of exacerbation since the last visit, a multistate model described by Therneau and Grambsch was performed.; Data of 1,247 patients (60.4% males, 46.6% current smokers) were analyzed, 268 (21.5%) did not fulfill spirometric diagnostic criteria for COPD. Data of 748 patients (63% males, 44.1% current smokers) were available for model analysis. In order to predict exacerbation an extended Cox Model was performed. Mean FEV; 1; /FVC-ratio was 53.1% (±11.5), with a majority of patients in COPD GOLD classes 2 or 3. Hospitalization for any reason (HR1.7;; P; = 0.04) and pronounced dyspnea (HR for mMRC grade four 3.0;; P; < 0.001) at most recent visit as well as prescription of short-acting bronchodilators (HR1.7;; P; < 0.001), inhaled (HR1.2;; P; = 0.005) or systemic corticosteroids (HR1.8;; P; = 0.015) were significantly associated with exacerbation when having had no exacerbation at most recent visit. Higher FEV; 1; /FVC (HR0.9;; P; = 0.008) and higher FEV; 1; values (HR0.9;; P; = 0.001) were protective. When already having had an exacerbation at the most recent visit, pronounced dyspnea (HR for mMRC grade 4 1.9;; P; = 0.026) and cerebrovascular insult (HR2.1;; P; = 0.003) were significantly associated with re-exacerbation. Physical activity (HR0.6;; P; = 0.031) and treatment with long-acting anticholinergics (HR0.7;; P; = 0.044) seemed to play a significant protective role. In a best subset model for exacerbation, higher FEV; 1; significantly reduced and occurrence of sputum increased the probability of exacerbation. In the same model for re-exacerbation, coronary heart disease increased and hospitalization at most recent visit seemed to reduce the risk for re-exacerbation.; Our data confirmed well-established risk factors for exacerbations whilst analyzing their predictive association with exacerbation and re-exacerbation. This study confirmed the importance of spirometry in primary care, not only for diagnosis but also as a risk evaluation for possible future exacerbations.; Our study got approval by local ethical committee in 2006 (EK Nr. 170/06) and was registered retrospectively on (NCT02065921, 19; th; of February 2014).
Publisher Page Press
ISSN/ISBN 1828-695X ; 2049-6958
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1186/s40248-019-0168-5
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000457871600001
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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