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Pediatric Outcomes in Transplant: Personalising Immunosuppression To Improve Efficacy (POSITIVE Study): The Collaboration and Design of a National Transplant Precision Medicine Program
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4499145
Author(s) Papaz, Tanya; Allen, Upton; Blydt-Hansen, Tom; Birk, Patricia E.; Min, Sandar; Hamiwka, Lorraine; Phan, Veronique; Schechter, Tal; Wall, Donna A.; Urschel, Simon; Foster, Bethany J.; Mital, Seema
Author(s) at UniBasel De Geest, Sabina M.
Year 2018
Title Pediatric Outcomes in Transplant: Personalising Immunosuppression To Improve Efficacy (POSITIVE Study): The Collaboration and Design of a National Transplant Precision Medicine Program
Journal Transplantation direct
Volume 4
Number 12
Pages / Article-Number e410
Abstract Despite age-related differences in biology, physiology, and behavior, transplant immunosuppression is not tailored by age. This likely contributes to high graft failure and posttransplant complications. We present the aims, design, and methods of the Pediatric Outcomes in Transplant: PersOnaliSing Immunosuppression To ImproVe Efficacy Study aimed at personalizing posttransplant immunosuppression in children and young adults.; In this prospective observational cohort study, we recruited pediatric and young adult solid organ transplant, pediatric allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients, and matched living and deceased organ donors from 14 transplant centers across Canada. Clinical data, questionnaires, biospecimens, and pharmacy records were collected at serial time points: (1) to identify genetic and host immune factors that influence immunosuppression dose requirements across different ages and transplant types, (2) to identify viral-host interactions that increase susceptibility to Epstein-Barr virus infection, and (3) to define care processes and structures associated with medication adherence in adolescents and young adults.; From 2015 to 2018, 1662 new and prevalent transplant recipients were screened, 1166 were recruited for the various aims, including 370 liver, 445 kidney, 277 heart, 19 lung, 19 multiple, and 36 hematopoietic stem cell transplant transplants. Twelve percent were younger than 2 years, 30% were 2 to 10 years, 42% were 10 to 18 years, and 16% were 18 to 24 years at enrollment. Nine hundred thirty-one consented to participation in aims 1 and 2 (90% consent rate), 287 to aim 3 (82% consent rate). Biospecimens collected included 898 for DNA, 276 for immunoassays, and 717 for biomarker studies. Seventy percent participants have completed follow-up; 30% are pending study completion.; The design of this national multicenter cross-organ network helped maximize recruitment of a large patient cohort for studying age and organ-related differences in immunosuppression needs that would not otherwise be feasible. Leveraging the unique clinical, biological, environmental, and behavioral characteristics of this cohort will help develop precision medicine strategies for individualizing posttransplant immunosuppression.
ISSN/ISBN 2373-8731
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1097/TXD.0000000000000842
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000451864100006
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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