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Equation of State Dependent Dynamics and Multi-messenger Signals from Stellar-mass Black Hole Formation
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4495396
Author(s) Pan, Kuo-Chuan; Liebendoerfer, Matthias; Couch, Sean M.; Thielemann, Friedrich-Karl
Author(s) at UniBasel Thielemann, Friedrich-Karl
Liebendörfer, Matthias
Year 2018
Title Equation of State Dependent Dynamics and Multi-messenger Signals from Stellar-mass Black Hole Formation
Volume 857
Number 1
Pages / Article-Number 13
Keywords gravitational waves; hydrodynamics; instabilities; neutrinos; stars: black hole; supernovae: general
Abstract We investigate axisymmetric black hole. (BH) formation and its gravitational wave (GW) and neutrino signals with self-consistent core-collapse supernova simulations of a non-rotating 40 M-circle dot progenitor star using the isotropic diffusion source approximation for the neutrino transport and a modified gravitational potential for general relativistic effects. We consider four different neutron star (NS) equations of state. (EoS): LS220, SFHo, BHB Lambda phi, and DD2, and study the impact of the EoS on BH formation dynamics and GW emission. We find that the BH formation time is sensitive to the EoS from 460 to > 1300 ms and is delayed in multiple dimensions for similar to 100-250 ms due to the finite entropy effects. Depending on the EoS, our simulations show the possibility that shock revival can occur along with the collapse of the proto-neutron star. (PNS) to a BH. The gravitational waveforms contain four major features that are similar to previous studies but show extreme values: (1). a low-frequency signal (similar to 300-500 Hz) from core-bounce and prompt convection, (2). a strong signal from the PNS g-mode oscillation among other features, (3). a high-frequency signal from the PNS inner-core convection, and (4). signals from the standing accretion shock instability and convection. The peak frequency at the onset of BH formation reaches to similar to 2.3 kHz. The characteristic amplitude of a 10 kpc object at peak frequency is detectable but close to the noise threshold of the Advanced. LIGO and KAGRA, suggesting that the next-generation GW detector will need to improve the sensitivity at the kHz domain to better observe stellar-mass BH formation from core-collapse supernovae or failed supernovae.
ISSN/ISBN 0004-637X
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.3847/1538-4357/aab71d
ISI-Number 000429557800003
Document type (ISI) Article

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