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Detecting Selective Protein Binding inside Plasmonic Nanopores: Towards a Mimic of the Nuclear Pore Complex
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4493943
Author(s) Malekian, Bita; Schoch, Rafael L.; Robson, Timothy; Ferrand-Drake del Castillo, Gustav; Xiong, Kunli; Emilsson, Gustav; Kapinos, Larisa E.; Lim, Roderick Y. H.; Dahlin, Andreas B.
Author(s) at UniBasel Lim, Roderick
Schoch, Rafael
Kapinos Schneider, Larisa E.
Year 2018
Title Detecting Selective Protein Binding inside Plasmonic Nanopores: Towards a Mimic of the Nuclear Pore Complex
Journal Frontiers in Chemistry
Volume 6
Pages / Article-Number 637
Abstract Biosensors based on plasmonic nanostructures offer label-free and real-time monitoring of biomolecular interactions. However, so do many other surface sensitive techniques with equal or better resolution in terms of surface coverage. Yet, plasmonic nanostructures offer unique possibilities to study effects associated with nanoscale geometry. In this work we use plasmonic nanopores with double gold films and detect binding of proteins inside them. By thiol and trietoxysilane chemistry, receptors are selectively positioned on the silicon nitride interior walls. Larger (∼150 nm) nanopores are used detect binding of averaged sized proteins (∼60 kg/mol) with high signal to noise (>100). Further, we fabricate pores that approach the size of the nuclear pore complex (diameter down to 50 nm) and graft disordered phenylalanine-glycine nucleoporin domains to the walls, followed by titration of karyopherinβ1 transport receptors. The interactions are shown to occur with similar affinity as determined by conventional surface plasmon resonance on planar surfaces. Our work illustrates another unique application of plasmonic nanostructures, namely the possibility to mimic the geometry of a biological nanomachine with integrated optical sensing capabilities.
Publisher Frontiers Research Foundation
ISSN/ISBN 2296-2646
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.3389/fchem.2018.00637

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