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How to address the placebo response in the prescription SSRIs and SNRIs in children and adolescents
JournalItem (Reviews, Editorials, Rezensionen, Urteilsanmerkungen etc. in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4491563
Author(s) Koechlin, Helen; Kossowsky, Joe; Gaab, Jens; Locher, Cosima
Author(s) at UniBasel Locher, Cosima
Kossowsky, Joe
Koechlin, Helen
Gaab, Jens
Year 2018
Title How to address the placebo response in the prescription SSRIs and SNRIs in children and adolescents
Journal Expert opinion on drug safety
Volume 17
Number 6
Pages 537-540
Keywords Antidepressants; children; adolescents; placebo response; mental disorders; efficacy; safety
Abstract SSRIs and SNRIs are prescribed as first-line pharmacological treatment for common mental disorders in children and adolescents. Despite their efficacy, they have a high risk for adverse events and exhibit a substantial placebo response. This editorial provides some background on the current evidence on the topic and suggests to carefully weigh the benefits of SSRIs and SNRIs against their potential harms. Therefore, the authors present two different set of conclusions - one for clinical practice, and one for future research designs.
Publisher Informa Healthcare
ISSN/ISBN 1474-0338
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1080/14740338.2018.1475558
ISI-Number 000434664300001
Document type (ISI) Editorial Material

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