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Binding of the bacterial adhesin FimH to its natural, multivalent high-mannose type glycan targets
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4491494
Author(s) Sauer, Maximilian M.; Jakob, Roman P.; Luber, Thomas; Canonica, Fabia; Navarra, Giulio; Ernst, Beat; Unverzagt, Carlo; Maier, Timm; Glockshuber, Rudi
Author(s) at UniBasel Maier, Timm
Ernst, Beat
Year 2019
Title Binding of the bacterial adhesin FimH to its natural, multivalent high-mannose type glycan targets
Journal Journal of the American Chemical Society
Volume 141
Number 2
Pages / Article-Number 936-944
Mesh terms Adhesins, Escherichia coli, metabolism; Binding Sites; Escherichia coli, chemistry; Fimbriae Proteins, metabolism; Kinetics; Ligands; Mannans, metabolism; Mannosides, metabolism; Protein Binding; Protein Conformation; Thermodynamics
Abstract Multivalent carbohydrate-lectin interactions at host-pathogen interfaces play a crucial role in the establishment of infections. Although competitive antagonists that prevent pathogen adhesion are promising anti-microbial drugs, the molecular mechanisms underlying these complex adhesion processes are still poorly understood. Here, we characterize the interactions between the fimbrial adhesin FimH from uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains and its natural high-mannose type N-glycan binding epitopes on uroepithelial glycoproteins. Crystal structures and a detailed kinetic characterization of ligand-binding and dissociation revealed that the binding pocket of FimH evolved such that it recognizes the terminal α(1-2)-, α(1-3)- and α(1-6)-linked mannosides of natural high-mannose type N-glycans with similar affinity. We demonstrate that the 2,000-fold higher affinity of the domain-separated state of FimH compared to its domain-associated state is ligand-independent and consistent with a thermodynamic cycle in which ligand-binding shifts the association equilibrium between the FimH lectin and the FimH pilin domain. Moreover, we show that a single N-glycan can bind up to three molecules of FimH, albeit with negative cooperativity, so that a molar excess of accessible N-glycans over FimH on the cell surface favors monovalent FimH binding. Our data provide pivotal insights into the adhesion properties of uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains to their target receptors and a solid basis for the development of effective FimH antagonists.
Publisher American Chemical Society
ISSN/ISBN 0002-7863 ; 1520-5126
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1021/jacs.8b10736
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000456350300033
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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