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L'Entrée d'Espagne' nei 'Fatti de Spagna', nella 'Spagna in rima' e 'in prosa' e nei 'Reali di Francia'
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4491429
Author(s) Galbiati, Roberto
Author(s) at UniBasel Galbiati, Roberto
Year 2018
Title L'Entrée d'Espagne' nei 'Fatti de Spagna', nella 'Spagna in rima' e 'in prosa' e nei 'Reali di Francia'
Journal Studi e problemi di critica testuale
Volume 97
Number 2
Pages / Article-Number 67-93
Abstract The study of the oldest reworkings of the Entrée d'Espagne arrives at the conclusion that the Franco-Venetian poem must have enjoyed a great popularity in the fourteenth century. The comparison between the Fatti de Spagna , the Spagna in rima and the Spagna in prosa clearly shows that different versions of the Entrée circulated, among them it is likely also an independent version of the duel between Roland and Ferragù. Even Andrea da Barberino knew the Entrée and its oldest reworkings, since in the sixth book of his Reali di Francia he models the duels between the young Charlemagne and Bramante and Charles and Polinoro on the two most famous duels of the Entrée : that of Roland and Ferragù and Roland and Pelias.
Publisher L'Indice
ISSN/ISBN 0049-2361 ; 1826-722X
Full Text on edoc No

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