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Differential Suppression of Nicotiana benthamiana Innate Immune Responses by Transiently Expressed Pseudomonas syringae Type III Effectors
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4488865
Author(s) Gimenez-Ibanez, Selena; Hann, Dagmar R.; Chang, Jeff H.; Segonzac, Cécile; Boller, Thomas; Rathjen, John P.
Author(s) at UniBasel Boller, Thomas
Year 2018
Title Differential Suppression of Nicotiana benthamiana Innate Immune Responses by Transiently Expressed Pseudomonas syringae Type III Effectors
Journal Frontiers in plant science
Volume 9
Pages / Article-Number 688
Abstract The plant pathogen; Pseudomonas syringae; injects about 30 different virulence proteins, so-called effectors, via a type III secretion system into plant cells to promote disease. Although some of these effectors are known to suppress either pattern-triggered immunity (PTI) or effector-triggered immunity (ETI), the mode of action of most of them remains unknown. Here, we used transient expression in; Nicotiana benthamiana; , to test the abilities of type III effectors of; Pseudomonas syringae; pv. tomato (; Pto; ) DC3000 and; Pseudomonas syringae; pv.; tabaci; (; Pta; ) 11528 to interfere with plant immunity. We monitored the sequential and rapid bursts of cytoplasmic Ca; 2+; and reactive oxygen species (ROS), the subsequent induction of defense gene expression, and promotion of cell death. We found that several effector proteins caused cell death, but independently of the known plant immune regulator; NbSGT1; , a gene essential for ETI. Furthermore, many effectors delayed or blocked the cell death-promoting activity of other effectors, thereby potentially contributing to pathogenesis. Secondly, a large number of effectors were able to suppress PAMP-induced defense responses. In the majority of cases, this resulted in suppression of all studied PAMP responses, suggesting that these effectors target common elements of PTI. However, effectors also targeted different steps within defense pathways and could be divided into three major groups based on their suppressive activities. Finally, the abilities of effectors of both; Pto; DC3000 and; Pta; 11528 to suppress plant immunity was conserved in most but not all cases. Overall, our data present a comprehensive picture of the mode of action of these effectors and indicate that most of them suppress plant defenses in various ways.
ISSN/ISBN 1664-462X
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.3389/fpls.2018.00688
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000432774200002
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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