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Le novelle per Rinaldo e l'amore di Agricane: il tragico nell'Inamoramento de Orlando
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4484602
Author(s) Galbiati, Roberto
Author(s) at UniBasel Galbiati, Roberto
Year 2018
Title Le novelle per Rinaldo e l'amore di Agricane: il tragico nell'Inamoramento de Orlando
Journal Bollettino di italianistica
Number 1
Pages / Article-Number 35-53
Abstract The first three novelle of the  Inamoramento de Orlando are told to Rinaldo during two days. They narrate tragic stories: the characters, driven by absolute love, carry out deeds (both positive and negative), that lead them to their death or to contemplate suicide. In the first book of the poem, Agricane, the powerful tartar king, also has to confront the tragedy of love. He besiges Angelica in Albracà with a large army when she refuses to marry him. Agricane, not accepting that someone else could love her, faces Orlando in a mortal duel. The article shows how Boiardo in these episodes analyses the risks and the dangers of a blind and immoderate love.
Publisher Carocci editiore
ISSN/ISBN 0168-7298
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.7367/91047

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