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Distinct presence of the tight junction protein claudin-3 in olfactory bulb and fila olfactoria of the mouse
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4406206
Author(s) Eppler, Elisabeth; Müller-Gerbl, Magdalena; Maly, I. Piotr
Author(s) at UniBasel Müller-Gerbl, Magdalena
Year 2017
Title Distinct presence of the tight junction protein claudin-3 in olfactory bulb and fila olfactoria of the mouse
Journal Histology and Histopathology
Volume 32
Number 8
Pages / Article-Number 835-849
Mesh terms Animals; Axons, metabolism; Blood-Brain Barrier, metabolism; Claudin-1, metabolism; Claudin-2, metabolism; Claudin-3, metabolism; Claudin-4, metabolism; Claudin-5, metabolism; Enterotoxins, metabolism; Epithelium, metabolism; Gene Expression Regulation; Humans; Mice; Mice, Inbred C57BL; Nasal Mucosa, metabolism; Neurons, metabolism; Olfactory Bulb, metabolism; Olfactory Nerve, metabolism; Smell; Tight Junctions, metabolism; Tissue Distribution
Abstract The tight junction protein claudin-3 is overexpressed in diverse epithelial tumours and is associated with increased survival, progression and motility of tumour cells. Claudin-3 expression profiles are being increasingly used for diagnostic and prognostic tumour classification. Claudin-3 has been identified as a receptor for Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin, which is under consideration for selective lysis of claudin-3-expressing tumours, particularly brain metastases, and other translational medicine uses. However, the localization of claudin-3 in the brain has not been completely elucidated. While claudin-3 in brain tissue adjacent to claudin-3-expressing metastases had been excluded and low or undetectable levels proposed in the CNS, under physiological conditions, in adult human, rat and mouse brains, claudin-3 was exclusively found in choroid plexus epithelium where it is considered an integral component of the blood-cerebrospinal-fluid barrier. We report here the pronounced presence of claudin-3 not only in the nasal region (as described for rat), but also in the mouse olfactory bulb and nerve using immunohistochemistry and Western blot. Claudin-3 was present in the fila olfactoria from the epithelium to the olfactory nerve and in the main and accessory olfactory bulb. We propose that the abundant presence of claudin-3 in the olfactory system, particularly in nerve fibres and the olfactory bulb cone, which we present here, may play a role at the interface of the central and peripheral nervous system, both as barrier and for axonal growth and communication. Thus, claudin-3 should be considered and further explored with regards to treatment approaches addressing the olfactory bulb and nasal region.
ISSN/ISBN 0213-3911 ; 1699-5848
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.14670/HH-11-854
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000413541700009
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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