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Absence of myeloperoxidase and CD8 positive cells in colorectal cancer infiltrates identifies patients with severe prognosis
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4391115
Author(s) Daster, Silvio; Eppenberger-Castori, Serenella; Hirt, Christian; Soysal, Savas D.; Delko, Tarik; Nebiker, Christian A.; Weixler, Benjamin; Amicarella, Francesca; Iezzi, Giandomenica; Governa, Valeria; Padovan, Elisabetta; Mele, Valentina; Sconocchia, Giuseppe; Heberer, Michael; Terracciano, Luigi; Kettelhack, Christoph; Oertli, Daniel; Spagnoli, Giulio C.; von Holzen, Urs; Tornillo, Luigi; Droeser, Raoul A.
Author(s) at UniBasel Iezzi, Giandomenica
Year 2015
Title Absence of myeloperoxidase and CD8 positive cells in colorectal cancer infiltrates identifies patients with severe prognosis
Journal Oncoimmunology
Volume 4
Number 12
Pages / Article-Number e1050574
Keywords Cd8+; human colorectal cancer; myeloperoxidase; prognostic markers; tissue microarray
Abstract Colorectal cancer (CRC) infiltration by cells expressing myeloperoxidase (MPO) or CD8 positive T lymphocytes has been shown to be independently associated with favorable prognosis. We explored the relationship occurring between CD8+ and MPO+ cell CRC infiltration, its impact on clinical-pathological features and its prognostic significance in a tissue microarray (TMA) including 1,162 CRC. We observed that CRC showing high MPO+ cell infiltration are characterized by a prognosis as favorable as that of cancers with high CD8+ T cell infiltration. However, MPO+ and CD8+ CRC infiltrating cells did not synergize in determining a more favorable outcome, as compared with cancers showing MPOhigh/CD8low or MPOlow/CD8high infiltrates. Most importantly, we identified a subgroup of CRC with MPOlow/CD8low tumor infiltration characterized by a particularly severe prognosis. Intriguingly, although MPO+ and CD8+ cells did not co-localize in CRC infiltrates, an increased expression of TIA-1 and granzyme-B was detectable in T cells infiltrating CRC with high MPO+ cell density.
ISSN/ISBN 2162-4011 (Print) 2162-4011 (Linking)
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1080/2162402X.2015.1050574
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000366420500011
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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