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Very high-density lipoprotein and vitellin as carriers of novel biliverdins IXα with a farnesyl side-chain presumably derived from heme A in Spodoptera littoralis
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4193600
Author(s) Kayser, Hartmut; Nimtz, Manfred; Ringler, Philippe; Müller, Shirley A.
Author(s) at UniBasel Ringler, Philippe
Year 2016
Title Very high-density lipoprotein and vitellin as carriers of novel biliverdins IXα with a farnesyl side-chain presumably derived from heme A in Spodoptera littoralis
Journal Insect biochemistry and molecular biology
Volume 68
Pages / Article-Number 41-51
Mesh terms Animals; Biliverdine, metabolism; Carrier Proteins, metabolism; Farnesol, chemistry; Female; Heme, metabolism; Hemolymph, metabolism; Larva, metabolism; Lipoproteins, HDL, metabolism; Ovum, metabolism; Spodoptera, metabolism; Vitellins, metabolism
Abstract Bilins in complex with specific proteins play key roles in many forms of life. Biliproteins have also been isolated from insects; however, structural details are rare and possible functions largely unknown. Recently, we identified a high-molecular weight biliprotein from a moth, Cerura vinula, as an arylphorin-type hexameric storage protein linked to a novel farnesyl biliverdin IXα; its unusual structure suggests formation by cleavage of mitochondrial heme A. In the present study of another moth, Spodoptera littoralis, we isolated two different biliproteins. These proteins were identified as a very high-density lipoprotein (VHDL) and as vitellin, respectively, by mass spectrometric sequencing. Both proteins are associated with three different farnesyl biliverdins IXα: the one bilin isolated from C. vinula and two new structurally closely related bilins, supposed to be intermediates of heme A degradation. The different bilin composition of the two biliproteins suggests that the presumed oxidations at the farnesyl side-chain take place mainly during egg development. The egg bilins are supposedly transferred from hemolymph VHDL to vitellin in the female. Both biliproteins show strong induced circular dichroism activity compatible with a predominance of the M-conformation of the bilins. This conformation is opposite to that of the arylphorin-type biliprotein from C. vinula. Electron microscopy of the VHDL-type biliprotein from S. littoralis provided a preliminary view of its structure as a homodimer and confirmed the biochemically determined molecular mass of ∼350 kDa. Further, images of S. littoralis hexamerins revealed a 2 × 3 construction identical to that known from the hexamerin from C. vinula.
Publisher Elsevier
ISSN/ISBN 0965-1748 ; 1879-0240
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1016/j.ibmb.2015.10.017
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000369559000005
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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