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Stimmung: From Moods to Atmosphere
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4183937
Author(s) Krebs, Angelika
Author(s) at UniBasel Krebs, Angelika
Year 2017
Title Stimmung: From Moods to Atmosphere
Journal Philosophia
Volume 45
Number 4
Pages / Article-Number 1419-1436
Abstract Unlike human beings, landscapes, cities and buildings cannot feel anything in the literal sense. They do not have nervous systems. Nevertheless, we attribute "Stimmungen" such as peacefulness and melancholy to them. On what basis? With what right? And why does it matter anyway? This paper attempts an answer to this bunch of questions. The first section clarifies the concept of "Stimmung," by distinguishing its three major meanings, namely harmony, mood and atmosphere. Section two discusses various models of how "Stimmung" (in the sense of mood) is infused into our natural and artificial environment (as atmosphere). Section three lists several ways of how we experience atmosphere, preparing the ground for the specifically aesthetic claim in section four: how, when we experience atmosphere aesthetically, we respond to it by resonating or feeling at home.
Publisher Springer
ISSN/ISBN 0048-3893 ; 1574-9274
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1007/s11406-017-9890-4
ISI-Number WOS:000422789700003
Document type (ISI) Article

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