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Variation of the Ultrafast Fluorescence Quenching in 2,6-Sulfanyl-Core-Substituted Naphthalenediimides by Electron Transfer
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 417719
Author(s) Pugliesi, Igor; Krok, Patrizia; Lochbrunner, Stefan; Blaszczyk, Alfred; von Hänisch, Carsten; Mayor, Marcel; Riedle, Eberhard
Author(s) at UniBasel Mayor, Marcel
Year 2010
Title Variation of the Ultrafast Fluorescence Quenching in 2,6-Sulfanyl-Core-Substituted Naphthalenediimides by Electron Transfer
Journal Journal of Physical Chemistry A
Volume 114
Number 48
Pages / Article-Number 12555-12560

The ultrafast fluorescence quenching of 2,6-sulfanyl-core-substituted naphthalenediimides was investigated by transient spectroscopy. We find a strong dependence of the relaxation on the chemical structure of the substituent. Direct linking of an aryl rest to the sulfur atom leads to a strong red shift of the fluorescence in 1 ps and the disappearance of the emission in 5−7 ps depending on the polarity and viscosity of the solvent. This complex behavior is interpreted with the help of quantum chemical calculations. The calculations suggest that the initial relaxation corresponds to a planarization of the substituents and an associated partial electron transfer. This is followed by a twisting of the phenylsulfanyl substituents out of the molecular plane that allows a complete localization of the electron-donating orbital on the aryl group. Finally the back transfer happens in another 5−7 ps. For an additional methylene spacer group between the sulfur and the aryl, this sequence of relaxation steps is not possible and a simple exponential decay, slower by about 1 order of magnitude, is found.

Publisher American Chemical Society
ISSN/ISBN 1089-5639 ; 1520-5215
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1021/jp107742x
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000284738500001
Document type (ISI) Article

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