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Nucleosynthesis in 2D core-collapse supernovae of 11.2 and 17.0 M⊙ progenitors: implications for Mo and Ru production
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4128113
Author(s) Eichler, M; Nakamura, K.; Takiwaki, T.; Kuroda, T.; Kotake, K.; Hempel, M.; Cabezon, R.; Liebendörfer, M.; Thielemann, F.-K
Author(s) at UniBasel Thielemann, Friedrich-Karl
Liebendörfer, Matthias
Cabezon, Ruben
Hempel, Matthias
Year 2018
Title Nucleosynthesis in 2D core-collapse supernovae of 11.2 and 17.0 M⊙ progenitors: implications for Mo and Ru production
Journal Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics
Volume 45
Number 1
Pages / Article-Number 014001
Keywords nucleosynthesis; supernovae: general; stars: abundances
Abstract Core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe) are the first polluters of heavy elements in the galactic history. As such, it is important to study the nuclear compositions of their ejecta, and understand their dependence on the progenitor structure (e.g., mass, compactness, metallicity). Here, we present a detailed nucleosynthesis study based on two long-term, two-dimensional CCSN simulations of a 11.2 M${}_{\odot }$ and a 17.0 M${}_{\odot }$ star. We find that in both models nuclei well beyond the iron group (up to $Z\approx 44$) can be produced, and discuss in detail also the nucleosynthesis of the p-nuclei 92,94Mo and 96,98Ru. While we observe the production of 92Mo and 94Mo in slightly neutron-rich conditions in both simulations, 96,98Ru can only be produced efficiently via the ν p-process. Furthermore, the production of Ru in the ν p-process heavily depends on the presence of very proton-rich material in the ejecta. This disentanglement of production mechanisms has interesting consequences when comparing to the abundance ratios between these isotopes in the solar system and in presolar grains.
Publisher IOP Publishing
ISSN/ISBN 0954-3899 ; 1361-6471
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1088/1361-6471/aa8891
Document type (ISI) Article

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