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Atmospheric Processing and Variability of Biological Ice Nucleating Particles in Precipitation at Opme, France
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 4023661
Author(s) Pouzet, Glwadys; Peghaire, Elodie; Aguès, Maxime; Baray, Jean-Luc; Conen, Franz; Amato, Pierre
Author(s) at UniBasel Conen, Franz
Year 2017
Title Atmospheric Processing and Variability of Biological Ice Nucleating Particles in Precipitation at Opme, France
Journal Atmosphere
Volume 8
Number 11
Pages / Article-Number 229
Abstract Atmospheric ice nucleating particles (INPs) contribute to initiate precipitation. In particular, biological INPs act at warmer temperatures than other types of particles (>−10 °C) therefore potentially defining precipitation distribution. Here, in order to identify potential environmental drivers in the distribution and fate of biological INPs in the atmosphere, we conducted a mid-term study of the freezing characteristics of precipitation. A total of 121 samples were collected during a period of >1.5 years at the rural site of Opme (680 m a.s.l. (above sea level), France). INP concentration ranged over two orders of magnitude at a given temperature depending on the sample; there were <1 INPs mL−1 at ≥−5 °C, ~0.1 to 10 mL−1 between −5 °C and −8 °C, and ~1 to 100 mL−1 at colder temperatures. The data support the existence of an intimate natural link between biological INPs and hydrological cycles. In addition, acidification was strongly correlated with a decrease of the freezing characteristics of the samples, suggesting that human activities impact the role of INPs as triggers of precipitation. Water isotope ratio measurements and statistical comparison with aerosol and cloud water data confirmed some extent of INP partitioning in the atmosphere, with the INPs active at the warmest temperatures tending to be more efficiently precipitated.
Publisher MDPI
ISSN/ISBN 2073-4433
Full Text on edoc Available
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.3390/atmos8110229
ISI-Number WOS:000416602500023
Document type (ISI) Article

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