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The ‘magnetic forces’ of Swiss acute care hospitals: A secondary data analysis on nurses׳ job satisfaction and their intention to leave their current job
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 3963113
Author(s) Biegger, Annette; De Geest, Sabina; Schubert, Maria; Ausserhofer, Dietmar
Author(s) at UniBasel De Geest, Sabina M.
Schubert, Maria
Ausserhofer, Dietmar
Year 2016
Title The ‘magnetic forces’ of Swiss acute care hospitals: A secondary data analysis on nurses׳ job satisfaction and their intention to leave their current job
Journal NursingPlus Open
Volume 2
Pages / Article-Number 15-20
Keywords Nursing, Job satisfaction, Job leaving intention, Acute care hospitals, Switzerland
Abstract Aims (1) To describe nurses׳ job satisfaction and intention to leave their current employer; and (2) to explore the associations between nine aspects of job satisfaction (i.e., motivators and hygiene factors) and nurses’ intentions to leave their current employer. Background Increasing nurse shortages and accelerating personnel turnover are global healthcare issues. Improving nurses׳ job satisfaction and reducing their intentions to leave are crucial to nurse workforce stability. Methods Secondary analysis of nurse survey data from the Swiss arm of the Nurse Forecasting in Europe (2009/2010) study. Associations between aspects of nurses׳ job satisfaction and intentions to leave were analyzed via multiple logistic regression analyses. Results Overall, nurses reported being very satisfied with their jobs and with ‘independence at work’, but less satisfied with the possibility for ‘study leave’. A total of 27.4% intended to leave their current jobs, with lower ratings of ‘opportunities for advancement’ as the most relevant factor explaining these intentions. Conclusion In view of predicted nurse shortages, Swiss acute care hospitals’ might improve their success regarding nurse job satisfaction and retention by offering nursing career models with more opportunities for clinical advancement.
Publisher Elsevier
ISSN/ISBN 2352-9008
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1016/j.npls.2016.01.002

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