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Locomotor speed control circuits in the caudal brainstem
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 3957925
Author(s) Capelli, Paolo; Pivetta, Chiara; Soledad Esposito, Maria; Arber, Silvia
Author(s) at UniBasel Arber, Silvia
Capelli, Paolo
Pivetta, Chiara
Esposito, Maria Soledad
Year 2017
Title Locomotor speed control circuits in the caudal brainstem
Journal Nature
Volume 551
Number 7680
Pages / Article-Number 373-377
Mesh terms Acceleration; Animals; Brain Stem, physiology; Glutamic Acid, metabolism; Glycine, metabolism; Locomotion, physiology; Male; Mice; Mice, Inbred C57BL; Neural Pathways; Neurons, metabolism; Optogenetics
Abstract Locomotion is a universal behaviour that provides animals with the ability to move between places. Classical experiments have used electrical microstimulation to identify brain regions that promote locomotion, but the identity of neurons that act as key intermediaries between higher motor planning centres and executive circuits in the spinal cord has remained controversial. Here we show that the mouse caudal brainstem encompasses functionally heterogeneous neuronal subpopulations that have differential effects on locomotion. These subpopulations are distinguishable by location, neurotransmitter identity and connectivity. Notably, glutamatergic neurons within the lateral paragigantocellular nucleus (LPGi), a small subregion in the caudal brainstem, are essential to support high-speed locomotion, and can positively tune locomotor speed through inputs from glutamatergic neurons of the upstream midbrain locomotor region. By contrast, glycinergic inhibitory neurons can induce different forms of behavioural arrest mapping onto distinct caudal brainstem regions. Anatomically, descending pathways of glutamatergic and glycinergic LPGi subpopulations communicate with distinct effector circuits in the spinal cord. Our results reveal that behaviourally opposing locomotor functions in the caudal brainstem were historically masked by the unexposed diversity of intermingled neuronal subpopulations. We demonstrate how specific brainstem neuron populations represent essential substrates to implement key parameters in the execution of motor programs.
Publisher Macmillan
ISSN/ISBN 0028-0836 ; 1476-4687
Full Text on edoc Available
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1038/nature24064
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000415365500041
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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