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VEGF receptor-2-specific signaling mediated by VEGF-E induces hemangioma-like lesions in normal and in malignant tissue
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 3886342
Author(s) Fagiani, Ernesta; Lorentz, Pascal; Bill, Ruben; Pavotbawan, Kirusigan; Kopfstein, Lucie; Christofori, Gerhard
Author(s) at UniBasel Christofori, Gerhard M.
Year 2016
Title VEGF receptor-2-specific signaling mediated by VEGF-E induces hemangioma-like lesions in normal and in malignant tissue
Journal Angiogenesis
Volume 19
Number 3
Pages / Article-Number 339-58
Mesh terms Animals; Cell Proliferation; Endothelial Cells, pathology; Goats; Hemangioma, pathology; Humans; Insulin-Secreting Cells, metabolism; Lymphangiogenesis, physiology; Mice; Mice, Inbred C57BL; Mice, Transgenic; Pancreatic Neoplasms, pathology; Recombinant Proteins, metabolism; Sheep; Signal Transduction; Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor-2, metabolism; Viral Proteins, metabolism
Abstract Viral VEGF-E (ovVEGF-E), a homolog of VEGF-A, was discovered in the genome of Orf virus. Together with VEGF-A, B, C, D, placental growth factor (PlGF) and snake venom VEGF (svVEGF), ovVEGF-E is a member of the VEGF family of potent angiogenesis factors with a bioactivity similar to; it induces proliferation, migration and sprouting of cultured vascular endothelial cells and proliferative lesions in the skin of sheep, goat and man that are characterized by massive capillary proliferation and dilation. These biological functions are mediated exclusively via its interaction with VEGF receptor-2 (VEGFR-2). Here, we have generated transgenic mice specifically expressing ovVEGF-E in β-cells of the endocrine pancreas (Rip1VEGF-E; RVE). RVE mice show an increase in number and size of the islets of Langerhans and a distorted organization of insulin and glucagon-expressing cells. Islet endothelial cells of RVE mice hyper-proliferate and form increased numbers of functional blood vessels. In addition, the formation of disorganized lymphatic vessels and increased immune cell infiltration is observed. Upon crossing RVE single-transgenic mice with Rip1Tag2 (RT2) transgenic mice, a well-studied model of pancreatic β-cell carcinogenesis, double-transgenic mice (RT2;RVE) display hyper-proliferation of endothelial cells resulting in the formation of hemangioma-like lesions. In addition, RT2;RVE mice exhibit activated lymphangiogenesis at the tumor periphery and increased neutrophil and macrophage tumor infiltration and micro-metastasis to lymph nodes and lungs. These phenotypes markedly differ from the phenotypes observed with the transgenic expression of the other VEGF family members in β-cells of normal mice and of RT2 mice.
Publisher SPRINGER
ISSN/ISBN 1573-7209
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1007/s10456-016-9508-7
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000379219600007
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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