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Testing single and double limb standing balance performance: comparison of COP path length evaluation between two devices
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 3724689
Author(s) Donath, Lars; Roth, Ralf; Zahner, Lukas; Faude, Oliver
Author(s) at UniBasel Zahner, Lukas
Year 2012
Title Testing single and double limb standing balance performance: comparison of COP path length evaluation between two devices
Journal Gait & Posture
Volume 36
Number 3
Pages / Article-Number 439-43
Abstract Center of pressure (COP) path length evaluation was commonly applied to measure postural sway and usually obtained from gold standard force plates. Thus, we comparatively investigated the feasible and less-expensive GKS® balance system (GKS) with the Kistler® force platform (KIS). 34 non-specifically trained but active adults (14 males, 20 females, age: 25.4±4.8 years; weight: 69.3±12.3 kg; height: 1.75±0.09 m, sports activity: 5.8±3.6 hours per week) were randomly tested on both devices during double and single limb stance with opened and closed eyes. Irrespective of the analysed time frame, repeated measures analyses of variances revealed higher path length readings for GKS compared to KIS for 30 s (F=6.8, p=0.01) and 10 s (F=21.2, p=0.001). Large effect sizes of the COP path length differences between GKS and KIS decreased from easy tasks (double limb, eyes open; d(30-s)=2.55, d(10-s)=2.04) to the most severe task (single limb, eyes closed; d(30-s)=0.02, d(10-s)=0.23). According to Bland and Altman, the limits of agreements indicated a high random variability component (between 29%, double limb, eyes open and 67%, single limb, eyes closed). The overall intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) across all four standing balance tasks were moderate for the 30 s- (0.57) as well as the 10 s-analysis (0.65). In conclusion, the COP path length displacements obtained from the GKS balance system seem to differ with a considerable random variability from Kistler force platform data. Thus, measurements of the evaluated devices should not be used interchangeably. Further methodological investigations regarding balance measures seem warranted.
Publisher Elsevier
ISSN/ISBN 0966-6362
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2012.04.001
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000319908600021
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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