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The third orthogonal dynamic covalent bond
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 3721735
Author(s) Lascano, Santiago; Zhang, Kang-Da; Wehlauch, Robin; Gademann, Karl; Sakai, Naomi; Matile, Stefan
Author(s) at UniBasel Wehlauch, Robin
Gademann, Karl
Matile, Stefan
Year 2016
Title The third orthogonal dynamic covalent bond
Journal Chemical Science
Volume 7
Number 7
Pages / Article-Number 4720-4724

Orthogonal dynamic covalent bonds are of interest for the construction of functional systems. The orthogonality of disulfide and hydrazone exchange under basic and acidic conditions, respectively, is well established. However, the integration of boronate esters as the third bond has failed so far because they exchanged too easily, especially under hydrazone exchange conditions. In this report, a collection of bioinspired catechols derived from adhesive natural products from cyanobacteria is screened with phenylboronic acids with proximal alcohols (benzoboroxoles), amines and fluorines to identify the least labile boronate esters. Moreover, Kool's 2-aminophenol catalysts are introduced to selectively accelerate hydrazone exchange without disturbing sufficiently inert boronate esters. Based on these results, we identified three different conditions to selectively exchange disulfides, hydrazones and boronate esters, that is to demonstrate the existence of three orthogonal dynamic covalent bonds. Moreover, their compatibility with functional systems is confirmed by successful hydrazone exchange in multicomponent surface architectures in the presence of intact boronate esters and disulfides.

Publisher Royal Society of Chemistry
ISSN/ISBN 2041-6520 ; 2041-6539
Full Text on edoc Available
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1039/C6SC01133K
ISI-Number WOS:000378715000093
Document type (ISI) Article

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