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Universal quantum computation with hybrid spin-Majorana qubits
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 3721691
Author(s) Hoffman, Silas; Schrade, Constantin; Klinovaja, Jelena; Loss, Daniel
Author(s) at UniBasel Loss, Daniel
Klinovaja, Jelena
Year 2016
Title Universal quantum computation with hybrid spin-Majorana qubits
Journal Physical review B: Condensed matter and materials physics
Volume 94
Number 4
Pages / Article-Number 5316
Keywords semiconductor nanowire superconductor fermions dots statistics signature devices anyons Physics
Abstract We theoretically propose a set of universal quantum gates acting on a hybrid qubit formed by coupling a quantum-dot spin qubit and Majorana fermion qubit. First, we consider a quantum dot that is tunnel coupled to two topological superconductors. The effective spin-Majorana exchange facilitates a hybrid CNOT gate for which either qubit can be the control or target. The second setup is a modular scalable network of topological superconductors and quantum dots. As a result of the exchange interaction between adjacent spin qubits, a CNOT gate is implemented that acts on neighboring Majorana qubits and eliminates the necessity of interqubit braiding. In both setups, the spin-Majorana exchange interaction allows for a phase gate, acting on either the spin or the Majorana qubit, and for a SWAP or hybrid SWAP gate which is sufficient for universal quantum computation without projective measurements.
Publisher American Physical Society
ISSN/ISBN 1098-0121 ; 1550-235X
Full Text on edoc Available
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1103/PhysRevB.94.045316
ISI-Number 000381484500010
Document type (ISI) Article

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