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Obesity Trends and Body Mass Index Changes After Starting Antiretroviral Treatment: The Swiss HIV Cohort Study
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 3704202
Author(s) Hasse, Barbara; Iff, Martin; Ledergerber, Bruno; Calmy, Alexandra; Schmid, Patrick; Hauser, Christoph; Cavassini, Matthias; Bernasconi, Enos; Marzolini, Catia; Tarr, Philip E.; Swiss HIV Cohort Study,; Aubert, Vincent; Barth, J.; Battegay, Manuel; Bernasconi, E.; Böni, Jürg; Bucher, Heiner C.; Burton-Jeangros, C.; Calmy, A.; Cavassini, M.; Egger, Matthias; Elzi, L.; Fehr, J.; Fellay, Jacques; Furrer, Hansjakob; Fux, Christoph A.; Gorgievski, M.; Günthard, H.; Haerry, D.; Hasse, B.; Hirsch, Hans H.; Hösli, Irene; Kahlert, C.; Kaiser, L.; Keiser, O.; Klimkait, Thomas; Kouyos, Roger D.; Kovari, Helen; Ledergerber, B.; Martinetti, G.; Martinez de Tejada, Begona; Metzner, K.; Müller, N.; Nadal, D.; Pantaleo, G.; Rauch, Andri; Regenass, Stephan; Rickenbach, Martin; Rudin, Christoph; Schöni-Affolter, F.; Schmid, P.; Schultze, D.; Schupbach, Jörg; Speck, R.; Staehelin, C.; Tarr, P.; Telenti, Amalio; Trkola, Alexandra; Vernazza, Pietro; Weber, R.; Yerly, S.
Author(s) at UniBasel Marzolini, Catia
Hirsch, Hans H.
Klimkait, Thomas
Year 2014
Title Obesity Trends and Body Mass Index Changes After Starting Antiretroviral Treatment: The Swiss HIV Cohort Study
Journal Open Forum Infectious Diseases
Volume 1
Number 2
Pages / Article-Number ofu040
Abstract The factors that contribute to increasing obesity rates in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive persons and to body mass index (BMI) increase that typically occurs after starting antiretroviral therapy (ART) are incompletely characterized.; We describe BMI trends in the entire Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) population and investigate the effects of demographics, HIV-related factors, and ART on BMI change in participants with data available before and 4 years after first starting ART.; In the SHCS, overweight/obesity prevalence increased from 13% in 1990 (n = 1641) to 38% in 2012 (n = 8150). In the participants starting ART (n = 1601), mean BMI increase was 0.92 kg/m(2) per year (95% confidence interval, .83-1.0) during year 0-1 and 0.31 kg/m(2) per year (0.29-0.34) during years 1-4. In multivariable analyses, annualized BMI change during year 0-1 was associated with older age (0.15 [0.06-0.24] kg/m(2)) and CD4 nadir <199 cells/µL compared to nadir >350 (P < .001). Annualized BMI change during years 1-4 was associated with CD4 nadir <100 cells/µL compared to nadir >350 (P = .001) and black compared to white ethnicity (0.28 [0.16-0.37] kg/m(2)). Individual ART combinations differed little in their contribution to BMI change.; Increasing obesity rates in the SHCS over time occurred at the same time as aging of the SHCS population, demographic changes, earlier ART start, and increasingly widespread ART coverage. Body mass index increase after ART start was typically biphasic, the BMI increase in year 0-1 being as large as the increase in years 1-4 combined. The effect of ART regimen on BMI change was limited.
Publisher Oxford University Press
ISSN/ISBN 2328-8957
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1093/ofid/ofu040
PubMed ID
ISI-Number MEDLINE:25734114
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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