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Intrinsic regulation of FIC-domain AMP-transferases by oligomerization and automodification
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 3403494
Author(s) Stanger, Frédéric V.; Burmann, Björn M.; Harms, Alexander; Aragão, Hugo; Mazur, Adam; Sharpe, Timothy; Dehio, Christoph; Hiller, Sebastian; Schirmer, Tilman
Author(s) at UniBasel Schirmer, Tilman
Stanger, Frédéric
Burmann, Björn
Aragao Correia, Hugo
Mazur, Adam
Sharpe, Timothy
Dehio, Christoph
Hiller, Sebastian
Podvinec, Michael
Harms, Alexander
Year 2016
Title Intrinsic regulation of FIC-domain AMP-transferases by oligomerization and automodification
Journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Volume 113
Number 5
Pages / Article-Number E529-37
Keywords AMPylation, adenylylation, enzyme regulation, molecular timer, posttranslational modification
Mesh terms Bacterial Proteins, metabolism; Biopolymers, metabolism; Cyclic AMP, metabolism; DNA Gyrase, metabolism; Models, Molecular; Neisseria meningitidis, enzymology; Nucleotidyltransferases, metabolism
Abstract Filamentation induced by cyclic AMP (FIC)-domain enzymes catalyze adenylylation or other posttranslational modifications of target proteins to control their function. Recently, we have shown that Fic enzymes are autoinhibited by an α-helix (αinh) that partly obstructs the active site. For the single-domain class III Fic proteins, the αinh is located at the C terminus and its deletion relieves autoinhibition. However, it has remained unclear how activation occurs naturally. Here, we show by structural, biophysical, and enzymatic analyses combined with in vivo data that the class III Fic protein NmFic from Neisseria meningitidis gets autoadenylylated in cis, thereby autonomously relieving autoinhibition and thus allowing subsequent adenylylation of its target, the DNA gyrase subunit GyrB. Furthermore, we show that NmFic activation is antagonized by tetramerization. The combination of autoadenylylation and tetramerization results in nonmonotonic concentration dependence of NmFic activity and a pronounced lag phase in the progress of target adenylylation. Bioinformatic analyses indicate that this elaborate dual-control mechanism is conserved throughout class III Fic proteins.
Publisher National Academy of Sciences
ISSN/ISBN 0027-8424 ; 1091-6490
Full Text on edoc Available
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1073/pnas.1516930113
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000369085100009
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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