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L’italiano come lingua pluricentrica? Riflessioni sull’uso delle frasi sintatticamente marcate nella scrittura giornalistica online
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 3344661
Author(s) De Cesare, Anna-Maria; Garassino, Davide; Agar Marco, Rocio; Albom, Ana; Cimmino, Doriana
Author(s) at UniBasel De Cesare Greenwald, Anna-Maria
Garassino, Davide
Agar Marco, Rocio
Albom, Ana
Cimmino, Doriana
Year 2014
Title L’italiano come lingua pluricentrica? Riflessioni sull’uso delle frasi sintatticamente marcate nella scrittura giornalistica online
Journal Studi di grammatica italiana
Pages / Article-Number 295-363
Keywords italiano lingua pluricentrica; sociolinguistica; varietà diatopica; sintassi marcata

In a series of recent sociolinguistics studies, the hypothesis is put forward that Italian is a (weak) pluricentric language, i.e. a language with different standards in Italy and in the other country in which Italian has the status of an official language, namely Switzerland. This hypothesis – which is rooted on the idea that the Italian used in Ticino (Switzerland) is an autonomous variety that differs on the one hand from the standard proper to the Italian used in Italy and on the other hand the Italian regional varieties – is primarily based on the study of the lexicon and has been researched first and foremost by analyzing corpora of oral language. The goal of the present study is thus to investigate the syntactic differences between the Italian written in Ticino and in Italy. Our study will focus on a group of marked syntactic constructions, which will be analyzed from a quantitative (frequency of use) and qualitative (text distribution, forms, functions) point of view on the basis of a comparable corpus of online journalistic texts.

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