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Erratum to: gespeR: a statistical model for deconvoluting off-target-confounded RNA interference screens.
JournalItem (Reviews, Editorials, Rezensionen, Urteilsanmerkungen etc. in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 3321991
Author(s) Schmich, Fabian; Szczurek, Ewa; Kreibich, Saskia; Dilling, Sabrina; Andritschke, Daniel; Casanova, Alain; Low, Shyan Huey; Eicher, Simone; Muntwiler, Simone; Emmenlauer, Mario; Rämo, Pauli; Conde-Alvarez, Raquel; von Mering, Christian; Hardt, Wolf-Dietrich; Dehio, Christoph; Beerenwinkel, Niko
Author(s) at UniBasel Dehio, Christoph
Year 2015
Title Erratum to: gespeR: a statistical model for deconvoluting off-target-confounded RNA interference screens.
Journal Genome Biology
Volume 16
Number 233
Pages 233
Publisher BioMed Central
ISSN/ISBN 1474-7596 ; 1474-760X
Full Text on edoc Available
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1186/s13059-015-0807-x
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000363097500001
Document type (ISI) Published Erratum
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