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Academic institutions and One Health : building capacity for transdisciplinary research approaches to address complex health issues at the animal-human-ecosystem interface
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 3307578
Author(s) Allen-Scott, Lisa K; Buntain, Bonnie; Hatfield, Jennifer M; Meisser, Andrea; Thomas, Christopher James
Author(s) at UniBasel Meisser, Andrea
Year 2015
Title Academic institutions and One Health : building capacity for transdisciplinary research approaches to address complex health issues at the animal-human-ecosystem interface
Journal Academic medicine
Volume 90
Number 7
Pages / Article-Number 866-71
Abstract To improve health at the human, animal, and ecosystem interface, defined as One Health, training of researchers must transcend individual disciplines to develop a new process of collaboration. The transdisciplinary research approach integrates frameworks and methodologies beyond academic disciplines and includes involvement of and input from policy makers and members of the community. The authors argue that there should be a significant shift in academic institutions' research capacity to achieve the added value of a transdisciplinary approach for addressing One Health problems. This Perspective is a call to action for academic institutions to provide the foundations for this salient shift. The authors begin by describing the transdisciplinary approach, propose methods for building transdisciplinary research capacity, and highlight three value propositions that support the case. Examples are provided to illustrate how the transdisciplinary approach to research adds value through improved sustainability of impact, increased cost-effectiveness, and enhanced abilities to mitigate potentially harmful unintended consequences. The authors conclude with three key recommendations for academic institutions: (1) a focus on creating enabling environments for One Health and transdisciplinary research, (2) the development of novel funding structures for transdisciplinary research, and (3) training of "transmitters" using real-world-oriented educational programs that break down research silos through collaboration across disciplines.
ISSN/ISBN 1938-808X
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1097/ACM.0000000000000639
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000357093500013
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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