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MODA: a new algorithm to compute optical depths in multi-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 2849625
Author(s) Perego, Albino; Gafton, Emanuel; Cabezon, Ruben; Rosswog, Stephan; Liebendoerfer, Matthias
Author(s) at UniBasel Perego, Albino
Cabezon, Ruben
Liebendörfer, Matthias
Year 2014
Title MODA: a new algorithm to compute optical depths in multi-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations
Journal Astronomy & astrophysics
Volume 568
Pages / Article-Number A11
Keywords methods: numerical, neutrinos, radiative transfer
Abstract Aims, We introduce the multidimensional optical depth algorithm (MODA) for the calculation of optical depths in approximate multidimensional radiative transport schemes, equally applicable to neutrinos and photons. Motivated by (but not limited to) neutrino transport in three-dimensional simulations of core-collapse supernovae and neutron star mergers. our method makes no assumptions about the geometry of the matter distribution, apart from expecting optically transparent boundaries.Methods. Based on local information about opacities, the algorithm figures out an escape route that tends to minimize the optical depth without assuming any predefined paths for radiation. Its adaptivity makes it suitable for a variety of astrophysical settings with complicated geometry (e.g., core-collapse supernovae, compact baldly mergers, tidal disruptions, star formation, etc.). We implement the MODA algorithm into both a Eulerian hydrodynamics code with a fixed, uniform grid and into an SPH code where we use a tree structure that is otherwise used for searching neighbors and calculating gravity.Results. In a series of numerical experiments, we compare the MODA results with analytically known solutions. We also use snapshots from actual 3D simulations and compare the results of MODA with those obtained with other methods, such as the global and local ray-by-ray method. It turns out that MODA achieves excellent accuracy at a moderate computational cost In appendix we also discuss implementation details and parallelization strategies.
Publisher Springer
ISSN/ISBN 0004-6361
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1051/0004-6361/201423755
ISI-Number WOS:000341185900057
Document type (ISI) Article

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