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Enhanced thermal stability of the toric code through coupling to a bosonic bath
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 2841465
Author(s) Pedrocchi, Fabio L.; Hutter, Adrian; Wootton, James R.; Loss, Daniel
Author(s) at UniBasel Loss, Daniel
Year 2013
Title Enhanced thermal stability of the toric code through coupling to a bosonic bath
Journal Physical review. A, Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Volume 88
Number 6
Abstract We propose and study a model of a quantum memory that features self-correcting properties and a lifetime growing arbitrarily with system size at nonzero temperature. This is achieved by locally coupling a two-dimensional L x L toric code to a three-dimensional (3D) bath of bosons hopping on a cubic lattice. When the stabilizer operators of the toric code are coupled to the displacement operator of the bosons, we solve the model exactly via a polaron transformation and show that the energy penalty to create anyons grows linearly with L. When the stabilizer operators of the toric code are coupled to the bosonic density operator, we use perturbation theory to show that the energy penalty for anyons scales with ln(L). For a given error model, these energy penalties lead to a lifetime of the stored quantum information growing, respectively, exponentially and polynomially with L. Furthermore, we show how to choose an appropriate coupling scheme in order to hinder the hopping of anyons (and not only their creation) with energy barriers that are of the same order as the anyon creation gaps. We argue that a toric code coupled to a 3D Heisenberg ferromagnet realizes our model in its low-energy sector. Finally, we discuss the delicate issue of the stability of topological order in the presence of perturbations. While we do not derive a rigorous proof of topological order, we present heuristic arguments suggesting that topological order remains intact when perturbative operators acting on the toric code spins are coupled to the bosonic environment.
Publisher American Institute of Physics
ISSN/ISBN 1050-2947
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1103/PhysRevA.88.062313
ISI-Number WOS:000328672700006
Document type (ISI) Article

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