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Ecology and evolution of the african great lakes and their Faunas
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 2839273
Author(s) Salzburger, Walter; Van Bocxlaer, Bert; Cohen, Andrew S.
Author(s) at UniBasel Salzburger, Walter
Year 2014
Title Ecology and evolution of the african great lakes and their Faunas
Journal Annual review of ecology, evolution and systematics
Volume 45
Pages / Article-Number 519-+
Keywords African Rift, species flock, adaptive radiation, speciation, morphological evolution, ecosystem functioning, biodiversity conservation
Abstract The Great Lakes of East Africa are collectively the earth's most remarkable and species-rich freshwater feature. Intrinsic biological factors and extrinsic ecological opportunities allowed much of the lakes' spectacular biological diversity to evolve through evolutionary (often adaptive) radiation and explosive speciation. Beyond evolutionary patterns and processes that led to this remarkable biodiversity and its astonishing morphological disparity, we highlight ecosystem functioning and complex biotic interactions such as co-evolution. Comparative biogeographic patterns for vertebrates and invertebrates are discussed, as are patterns of diversity and disparity through the late Cenozoic. We demonstrate that the African Great Lakes, because of excellent fossil archives, are a phenomenal setting to integrate micro-and macroevolution. Unfortunately, these amazing ecosystems are also subject to various anthropogenic stressors at global and regional scales, which have already impacted their stability and threaten part of their extraordinary biodiversity with extinction.
Publisher Annual Reviews
ISSN/ISBN 1543-592X
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1146/annurev-ecolsys-120213-091804
ISI-Number WOS:000348461700023
Document type (ISI) ReviewBook Chapter

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