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Schwarzmundgrundel & Co. : Fremde Fische in Flüssen und Seen
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 2832182
Author(s) Holm, P.; Kalchhauser, I.; Hirsch, P.
Author(s) at UniBasel Holm, Patricia
Adrian-Kalchhauser, Irene
Hirsch, Philipp
Year 2014
Title Schwarzmundgrundel & Co. : Fremde Fische in Flüssen und Seen
Journal Biologie in unserer Zeit
Volume 44
Number 6
Pages / Article-Number 392-399
Keywords Invasionsbiologie, Neozoen, Schwarzmeergrundeln, Gobiidae, Management, Rheineinzugsgebiet
Abstract The number of non-native fish species in our water bodies isincreasing in the course of globalisation. They navigate artificial canals, travel in ballast water of ships or are displaced as eggs attached to ships and other materials. Many of these species remain unnoticed but some may establish a reproductive population and even cause harm. Invasive gobies from the Black Sea – especially the bighead goby and round goby – are taken as an example to explain how biology andecology can be studied and how we proceed to estimate the potential risk. Simple egg traps may help to reduce dispersal of these fish. Such measures are especially promising at locations such as the Upper Rhine where hydropower dams present bottlenecks.
Publisher Wiley-VCH
ISSN/ISBN 0045-205X ; 1521-415X
Full Text on edoc Restricted
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1002/biuz.201410552
Additional Information Variant title: Non-native fishes in rivers and seas

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