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The contamination of commercial 15N2 gas stocks with 15N-labeled nitrate and ammonium and consequences for 
nitrogen fixation measurements
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 2818909
Author(s) Dabundo, R.; Lehmann, Moritz F.; Treibergs, L.; Tobias, C. L.; Altabet, M. A.; Moisander, P. H.; Granger, J.
Author(s) at UniBasel Lehmann, Moritz
Year 2014
Title The contamination of commercial 15N2 gas stocks with 15N-labeled nitrate and ammonium and consequences for 
nitrogen fixation measurements
Journal PLoS ONE
Volume Vol. 9, H. 10 , e110335
Pages / Article-Number 1691-1705
Abstract We report on the contamination of commercial 15-nitrogen (N-15) N-2 gas stocks with N-15-enriched ammonium, nitrate and/or nitrite, and nitrous oxide. N-15(2) gas is used to estimate N-2 fixation rates from incubations of environmental samples by monitoring the incorporation of isotopically labeled N-15(2) into organic matter. However, the microbial assimilation of bioavailable N-15-labeled N-2 gas contaminants, nitrate, nitrite, and ammonium, is liable to lead to the inflation or false detection of N-2 fixation rates. N-15(2) gas procured from three major suppliers was analyzed for the presence of these N-15-contaminants. Substantial concentrations of N-15-contaminants were detected in four Sigma-Aldrich N-15(2) lecture bottles from two discrete batch syntheses. Per mole of N-15(2) gas, 34 to 1900 mmoles of N-15-ammonium, 1.8 to 420 mmoles of (15)Nnitrate/nitrite, and <= 21 mmoles of N-15-nitrous oxide were detected. One N-15(2) lecture bottle from Campro Scientific contained <= 11 mmoles of N-15-nitrous oxide per mole of N-15(2) gas, and no detected N-15-nitrate/nitrite at the given experimental N-15(2) tracer dilutions. Two Cambridge Isotopes lecture bottles from discrete batch syntheses contained <= 0.81 mu moles N-15-nitrous oxide per mole (15)N2, and trace concentrations of N-15-ammonium and N-15-nitrate/nitrite. N-15(2) gas equilibrated cultures of the green algae Dunaliella tertiolecta confirmed that the N-15-contaminants are assimilable. A finite-differencing model parameterized using oceanic field conditions typical of N-2 fixation assays suggests that the degree of detected N-15-ammonium contamination could yield inferred N-2 fixation rates ranging from undetectable, >0.01 nmoles N L-1 d(-1), to 530 nmoles N L-1 d(-1), contingent on experimental conditions. These rates are comparable to, or greater than, N-2 fixation rates commonly detected in field assays. These results indicate that past reports of N-2 fixation should be interpreted with caution, and demonstrate that the purity of commercial N-15(2) gas must be ensured prior to use in future N-2 fixation rate determinations.
Publisher Public Library of Science
ISSN/ISBN 1932-6203
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0110335
PubMed ID
Document type (ISI) Article

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